Letter: JRL Gaster ar. 143
Letter JRL Gaster ar. 143Tags
Letter, official-looking, in Arabic script. Dating: Probably Mamluk-era. Mentions al-Muẓaffarī in the tarjama and begins with a taqbīl clause and yunhī formula. Central part of the document has a big lacunae and the preserved text on the sides doesn't reveal much information. Mentions a big house and the hope of well-being for someone (or rather the sender is reporting that various people are well and in good health). Also mentions "al-umarāʾ al-ajillāʾ al-akābir" towards the end of the preserved portion. Could be a draft. Reused on verso for an unidentified text in Arabic script, which opens with the date Thursday 19th Muḥarram. This may be a medical prescription or recipe. Needs examination.
Edition: Umrethwala, Yusuf; Elbaum, Alan
JRL Gaster ar. 143 1 / 1 leaf, recto
Yusuf Umrethwala and Alan Elbaum, unpublished editions (n.p., 2023).Recto
المملوك المظفري
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
يقبل الارض وينهي بعد استمرارة على الادعية الصالحة
فلـ[..]عىه [ ]
تقبلها [ ]............
في الف عافية [ ] الدار الكبيرة ومن فيه
طيببن في عافية و[ ]...احمد واخوته طيبين
في الف عافية كما يحب……..وذلك(؟) الامرا الاجلا الاكابر