Letter: BL OR 10587.22

Letter BL OR 10587.22


Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions al-Shaykh al-ʿAfīf Manṣūr; the term qumāsh; various commodities including a cotton garment; six 'of crimson' (qirmiziyyāt); the supervisor of the capitation taxes (mushārif al-jaw[ālī], who is apparently a wicked man, arresting a man for his brother and a father for his son (רשע ומסך אלאך עלי אכוה ואלאב עלי [אבנה]). Apparently the sender is being apprehended for his brother; he tells this supervisor that 'my brother is accustomed to [pay his capitation tax?] in Fustat. The supervisor says "I heard that...." The continuation is too damaged to read.