List or table: JRL SERIES C 170

List or table JRL SERIES C 170



Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic listing a variety of individuals and corresponding monetary sums in silver kuruş which helps to estimate the dating of the document as 18th/19th-century (the Ottoman silver kuruş was not in wide circulation until the early 1700s CE). At the beginning of each entry before the name appears "טרפ / taraf" is written, which is in Ottoman Turkish is literally a "side" or "place". In this context, however, it means "for Avraham Ḥazaq's [part]". This usage is common more generally in early modern Ottoman financial recordkeeping. The lists on the recto portray account calculations that are organized by days of the week in connection to specific individuals, namely: Avraham Ḥazaq, Yehuda al-Giorbi[?], Avraham Bashiri, Eliyyahu Ḥabak[?], Mikhaʾīl Naʿim, and on the verso many more names are mentioned. For another list mentioning Mikhaʾīl Naʿim, see: JRL SERIES C 149. Date: 18th or 19th c. MCD.

JRL SERIES C 170 1 / 1 leaf, recto

1 / 1 leaf, recto



JRL SERIES C 170 1 / 1 leaf, verso

1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  • JRL SERIES C 170: Image rights: The University of Manchester Library. Access rights: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0