List or table: JRL SERIES C 59
List or table JRL SERIES C 59Tags
List of names and corresponding payments in "פצה / silver." The list's heading on the recto describes these values as "מטלוב עלם חסאב קיימה טרפ אלנאס / notice of the requested [funds] listed for the people". Based on the surnames common in other fragments from the early-19th century, especially Ben-Naʿīm, this dating seems plausible. Among those listed on the recto are: Yitzhak Ṭāwīl, Yosef Zeytūn, Moshe Romano, Ḥayyim Karo, Eliyyahu Dayyan, and on the verso: Shemuel Azulay and David Ben-Naʿīm. The latter two names on the verso stand out because right after their names, we find the phrase in Hebrew: "לסוף לך לך / for the end of Lekh Lekha". Like many other lists following the parshas in the liturgical calendar in JRL Series C, and their many joins across other collections, this temporal designation probably indicates contributions made to the community in that specific week of the liturgical calendar. Date: early 19th c. MCD.