Literary text: ENA 2815.8 + ENA 2713.17 + ENA 2948.10
Literary text ENA 2815.8 + ENA 2713.17 + ENA 2948.10What's in the PGP
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Medical recipes and remedies in Ladino. On the recto the ingredients and recepticles include "asucar/sugar" (l.10r) and "vasya de laton" (l.14r), also written as "vasya de alaton" (l.12r), which could indicate a container made of a copper-zinc alloy whose yellow-gold color points to the word's etymology in Turkish "altın/gold" (information from the Diccionario de la lengua española – Real Academia Española). On the verso "limones" (l.1v) are mentioned as well as "ash/seniza" (l.6v). MCD.
ENA 2815.8 recto

ENA 2815.8 verso

ENA 2713.17 recto

ENA 2713.17 verso

ENA 2948.10 recto

ENA 2948.10 verso