Legal document: T-S AS 146.267
Legal document T-S AS 146.267What's in the PGP
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Legal query followed by a responsum written and signed by a certain Yiṣḥaq. The query concerns a man ("Reʾuven"), his father and mother, and another man ("Shimʿon"); substantial sums of money; a shop; Muslim courts (דיני גויים); state officials (גדולי המלכות הפרתמים); state funds or taxes (אמואל ביד המלכות); a fine (וגרמוה . . . דינאר); how if it weren't for God's mercy all would have been lost (ולולא רחמי שמים הלכו); and sins and desecration of the sabbath (רכילות(?) ואלעבירות וחילול שבת ופעאיל . . .). The responsum itself is too faded to make sense of. Includes a reference to excommunication (ומן לא יכון אהל להא יחרם).
T-S AS 146.267 1r

T-S AS 146.267 1v