Scholarship on Legal document: T-S NS 327.2c

Legal document T-S NS 327.2c
  1. Bibliographic citation
    Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).
    Location in source
    • Doc. 49
    Relation to document
    • Digital Edition
    • Digital Translation
    • Edition
    • Translation

T-S NS 327.2c 1r

Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).


  1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
  2. شهد من اثبت شهادته اخر هذا المحضر الـ[        انهم يعرفون         ]
  3. بابراهيم بن اسمعيل معرفة صحيحة \\ثابتة\\ لعينه واسمه ونسبه ويشهـ[ـدون     ]
  4. ابن خيبري من خيابرة اليهود المغفورين من لجوف  [                       ]  
  5. جابه سواله اثبات شهاداتهم بما علموه من الـ[                               ]
  6. وكتب بامره ومحضره وذلك في شوال من سنة اربع وخـ[ـمسين وستماىة]
  7. شهدت انه من اصل خيبري 
  8. وكتب محمد بن احمد بن حسين 
  9. عرفني ذلك والحمد لله الدا[ىم البقا] 
Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).
  1.  In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate.  

  2. The people recording their testimony at the end of this court record testified [that they know ]  

  3. Ibrāhīm ibn Ismaʿīl in a valid and sound way, in person, name and genealogy,  and testify [ ]  

  4. the son of one of the 'pardoned' Khaybarī Jews from al-Jawf [ ]  

  5. They have responded to his request by registering their testimony to what they  know concerning [ ]  

  6. He wrote on his authority and in his presence. That was in Shawwāl of the year  [six-hundred] and fifty-four.  


Witness Clause 

  1. I testified that he is of Khaybarī origin.  

  2. Written by Muḥmmmad ibn Aḥmad ibn Ḥusayn.  

  3. He informed me of this. Praise be to God, the eternal. 


T-S NS 327.2c 1v

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