Letter: T-S NS 190.105

Letter T-S NS 190.105


Input date

In PGP since 2019


Small fragment from a top of a letter written by Halfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (1100–38) to 'my master the diadem' (al-nezer). There were a few people bearing this title, including Natan b. Shemuel and ʿEli b. Netanʾel ha-Levi. Ḥalfon is asking the addressee to provide him the name (ism) of Abū ʿAlī Al-Baʿalbakī the cousin of [...]. Mentions 'his father the paternal uncle of Salmān.' Ḥalfon is apparently trying to draw up a legal document but is lacking the name of this Abū ʿAlī "with which he absolved him" (אלדי פטרה פיה). He cannot make any progress before the addressee supplies this information. Cf. T-S NS 184.48 + T-S NS 184.85 (PGPID 4238).

T-S NS 190.105 recto



Alan Elbaum, unpublished editions (n.p., 2023).
  1. יא מולאי אלנזר תושמר לעד תנעם [
  2. לי אסם אבו עלי אלבעלבכי בן עם [
  3. ואלדה עם סלמאן פאנני גאלס א . [
  4. באסמה אלדי קד פטרה בהא פ . [
  5. אלכתאב ומא פעלת שי אלי אן ת[
