Legal document: CUL Or.1080 J48

Legal document CUL Or.1080 J48



Recto: Letter of recommendation addressed to Aharon ha-Ḥazzan. In Hebrew, calligraphically written. Headed with the title 'Rosh ha-Seder.' Requesting that Aharon look after a blind man named Shabbat who claimed to have been cheated of his allocation. Verso: A woman pawns pieces of her trousseau against loans. The date 26 May 1050 CE appears in lines 4–5. Information from Goitein's note cards. Old description: Fragments of responsum by a Gaon, dealing with children of female slaves.

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S. D. Goitein, "The Communal Activities of Elhanan b. Shemarya‎" (in Hebrew), in Joshua Finkel Festschrift‎ (New York: Yeshiva University Press, 1974).

ULC Or 1080 J 48 + TS 8 J 22, fol. 14 + ENA 4011, fol. 25, ed. S. D.Goitein, "The Communal activities of Elhanan b. Shemarya" (Hebrew),Joshua Finkel Festschrift, 1974, pp. 125-128, with corrections from hispersonal offprint, 05-22-89, N.T. (pp)ULC Or. 1080 J 48An Instruction to Aharon to take care for the blind man Shabat

  1. ראש הסדר'
  2. אהובנו חשובנו מר' ור' אהרן החזן היקר
  3. ישמרו צורנו וירבה שלומו וברכותיו לעד
  4. לבינו עדיך [וכ]ספינו רב אליך
  5. ושאלתינו על אודותיך המק' יצליחם וימן לך
  6. טובות ויצילך מכל מדאבות בחסדו
  7. מוביל פיטק זה שבת והוא בכלל הסומים
  8. ונוטל חלק עמהם והגיד לנו כי הם יונוהו באשר
  9. יקחו מן אלקאהרה [ושו]אל לכתוב אליך לעיין
  10. בעסקו עמהם ואתה עתה ברוך יי'
  11. תעשה בזאת באשר תופק מן השמים
  12. ושלומך וברכותיך [ירב]יון לעד
  13. ברית תם


Mark Cohen, The Voice of the Poor in the Middle Ages (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2005).


  1. Rosh ha-Seder
  2. Our beloved and eminent ma(ster) and t(eacher) Aaron the cantor the precious one,
  3. may our Rock protect you and increase your welfare and blessings forever.
  4. Our hearts are unto [you and] our yearning for you is great.
  5. Our entreaties (to God) are on your behalf, may the Omni(present) fulfill them and apportion to you
  6. good things and save you from all snares, through His kindness.
  7. The bearer of this note is Shabbat. He is one of the blind
  8. and receives his share with them. He told us that they cheat him by
  9. taking from (New) Cairo. He [reque]sts that I write to you to look into
  10. his matter with them. May you, blessed be God,
  11. do in this (matter) as you are granted abundance from heaven.
  12. May your welfare and blessings inc[rease] forever. 
  13. Perfect covenant.


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