Scholarship on Letter: T-S 8J20.12 + T-S NS 99.17
Letter T-S 8J20.12 + T-S NS 99.17- Bibliographic citation
- S. D. Goitein, index cards.
- Location in source
- Relation to document
- Discussion
- Bibliographic citation
- Moshe Gil, Palestine During the First Muslim Period (634–1099) (in Hebrew) (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, 1983), vol. 2.
- Location in source
- #297
- Relation to document
- Digital Edition
- Edition
- Bibliographic citation
- Moshe Yagur, "The cautious beginnings of Sephardi self-identification: a view from the Cairo Geniza (tenth-thirteenth centuries),"Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies 15, no. 1 (n.p., 2023), 1–23.
- Location in source
- p. 8
- Relation to document
- Discussion
- Bibliographic citation
- Marina Rustow, unpublished editions.
- Relation to document
- Bibliographic citation
- Marina Rustow, [digital geniza document edition].
- Relation to document
- Digital Translation
Editor: Gil, Moshe
Translator: Rustow, Marina (in English)
T-S 8J20.12 1r

Moshe Gil, Palestine During the First Muslim Period (634–1099) (in Hebrew) (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, 1983), vol. 2.
- למולאי אלמעלם שלמה בן דויד בן אלערישי סלמה אללה מן תלמידה נתן בן //יצחק//
- כתאבי אליך יא מולאי אטאל אללה בקאך ואדאם עזך ותאיידך ונעמאך
- מן אלקדס מאצי לשהר שבט ד איאם אללה יערפנא ואיאך ברכתה
- ואעלמך אן אסתוחשת לך גדא וחשה לא יכון אעטם מנהא
- ואן כל מא אגוז עלי אלמגלס ומא אראך פיה תטלאם עליי אלדניא
- פאסל אללה אן לא יכליה מנך ויקרב אלאגתמאע בך עלי כיר ועאפיה
- אמן ואעלמך איצא אני דאעי לך דאימא פי כל וקת וסאיל דאימא
- ענך לכל אחד ולקד כנת פי נובת אלשיך אבי אלפרג בן אסד אידה אללה
- וקת דפע להא אלדינארין ושהדנא עליהא וכדלך וקת דפע להא אלנצף
- דינאר | [ו]שהדנא עליהא פלמא סמענא אכבארך פרחת גדא וצביאנך
- פי עאפיה . . . . . . . ו|אלצביה ואל[. . . . . . . . .]ך פי עאפיה ולקד גרי
- עלי יא מולאי פי הדא אלעאם [
- ואלי אלאן והו מן גלאה אלאסעאר [
- וגרה מא ברבע דר ומעאש ליס . . דא א . . [
- שבה בלא שי רכיץ וכאצה אנא אלדי מא . [
- ה[א] הנא קד כאן תנפעני פי בעץ אלאוקא[ת
- הלאך כלי ולקד נדמת נדאמה אהל אל[
- הדא אלשתי אלדי אוחלת וחלה מא ראי //אורי(?)// [
- עלי אחואל חצלנא פיהא . . . ואלא . . א מ . [
- ]אלואחד למולאי [
- ] . . כא . . . רא . [
Marina Rustow, [digital geniza document edition].
- To my lord the teacher Shelomo b. David ibn al-ʿArīshī, may God preserve him, from his disciple Natan b. //Yisḥaq//.
- I am writing to you, my lord—may God prolong your existence and make your glory, support and benefactions eternal—
- from Jerusalem, with four days having elapsed in the month of Shevaṭ, may God make its blessings known to us and to you,
- to inform you that I long for you very much, with the greatest possible longing,
- and that every time I pass by the majlis and I do not see you in it, the world oppresses me.
- I ask God not to withdraw himself from you and to hasten my meeting with you in a good state and good health,
- amen. I inform you further that I always inquire about you, in every moment, and always ask
- everyone about you. I attended the lesson of the elder Abū l-Faraj b. Asad, may God support him,
- at the time of the two dīnār payment to him, and we witnessed it—also at the time of the half-dīnār payment to him
- and we witnessed it (as well). When we heard your news, I was very happy. Your sons
- are healthy . . . the girl . . . healthy . . .. Something that happened
- to me, my lord, this year [ ]
- and until now. The prices are high [ ]
- His wages were a quarter dirham, not enough to live on . . . [ ]
- almost nothing, inexpensive, especilaly me, who [ ]
- here, you used to provide me with benefit sometime[s . . . ]
- destruction of (?). I regretted with the regret of the people of [ ]
- this winter, in which I was stuck in mud like I've never seen [ ]
- the conditions in which we found ourselves. ... [ ]
- [ ] the only one to my lord [ ]
- [ ]
T-S 8J20.12 1v

Verso, address, Arabic script
- يصل هذا الكتاب ان شاء الله في الفسطاط
- الى موﻻي المعلم الجليل شلومو بن داود
- العريشي ادام الله عزه
- من وليه تلميذه ناتان بن اسحق شاكر له وداعي [له
- ﻻ عدمه امانة موداة
Verso, address, Arabic script
- May this letter arrive, God willing, in Fusṭāṭ
- to my lord the noble teacher Shelomo b. Dāwūd
- al-ʿArīshī, may God make his glory eternal
- from his client, his student, Natan b. Isḥaq, who is grateful to him and asks after [him],
- may God not deprive me of him. Affectionate trust.
T-S NS 99.17 verso

Verso, address, Hebrew script
- מן תלמידה שאכר ודאעי לה נתן בן יצחק
- הספרדי אלסאכן פי אלקדס עמרה אלרחמן
- אמן
Verso, address, Hebrew script
- From his student who is grateful and asks after him, Natan b. Yiṣḥaq
- ha-Sefaradi, who lives in Jerusalem, may the Merciful One preserve him,
- amen.