List or table: T-S Ar.30.185 + T-S AS 200.252 + AIU VII.F.14 + AIU VII.F.28 + JRL SERIES B 1937 + AIU VII.F.92

List or table T-S Ar.30.185 + T-S AS 200.252 + AIU VII.F.14 + AIU VII.F.28 + JRL SERIES B 1937 + AIU VII.F.92

What's in the PGP

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Accounts in Ladino and western Arabic numerals. The names are intriguing, perhaps Greek: פאפא ניקולה (Papanicolaou?), the wife of Manoli, איבדוקולה (Eudokoula?), etc. Needs examination.



JRL SERIES B 1937 1 / 2 leaves, recto

1 / 2 leaves, recto

JRL SERIES B 1937 1 / 2 leaves, verso

1 / 2 leaves, verso

JRL SERIES B 1937 2 / 2 leaves, recto

2 / 2 leaves, recto

JRL SERIES B 1937 2 / 2 leaves, verso

2 / 2 leaves, verso
Image Permissions Statement
  • JRL SERIES B 1937: Image rights: The University of Manchester Library. Access rights: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0