Legal document: T-S H10.173
Legal document T-S H10.173What's in the PGP
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- 1 Transcription
- 1 Translation
Legal document: deed of sale in Arabic for the purchase of part of a house. Abū l-Faraj Ṣemaḥ b. Ṣedaqa b. Ṣemaḥ the money-changer buys part of a house in Qaṣr al-Shamʿ in Fustat from his uncle Dāwūd b. Ṣemaḥ the indigo dealer. The house abuts the former church of St Michael, the oven of al-Jalāl, and the house of Maymūn b. Dāwūd. Dated 10–20 Shaʿbān 448 (October-November 1056 CE). On verso there is a liturgical text in Hebrew. (Information from Khan.) It is unusual that the document is written on a bifolio; it may be a court copy, which would also explain what seems to be an archival annotation on verso summarizing the document (which Khan deciphers in part but doesn't discuss). MR
Editor: Khan, Geoffrey
Translator: Khan, Geoffrey (in English)
T-S H10.173 1r
![1r 1r](,/0/default.jpg)
Recto, right side
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله وسلام على عباده الذين اصطفی
هذا ما اشترى صيمح ويكنى أبا الفرج بن صدقة بن صيمح الاسرائيلي الـ[ـصير]في من عمه
داود بن صيمح الاسرائيلي النيلي اشـ[تر]ـی منه صفقة واحدة جميع الثمن کاملا وهو
ثلثة اسهم من جملة الستة الاسهم الـ[ـتـ]ـى ذكر داود هذا البائع انها له في ملكه ويده
من اربعة وعشرينها من جميع البنا القائم في الدار التي بفسطاط مصر ذات المساكن المتفرقة في الطبق
ببيوت من خشب دائرة على القاعة التي في هذه الدار ولهذه ان يدخل منه الى
ستة مخازن وبیت مرحاض لهذه القاعة ومخـ[ـز]ـن وهو ...... سلم الى معجنة
من حقوق هذه الدار وفي هذه القاعة عمود رخام منصوب تحت بسنديه
في وسط هذه القاعة وهذه الدار داخلة في القصر المعروف بقصر الروم
ويعرف بقصر الشمع ولها حـ[د]ود اربعة حدها القبلى بنتهى الى الدار المعروفة
من حبس كنيسة ميكائيل كانت و[[تـ]ـعرف بكنيسة الروم بقصر الـ[ـشـ]ـمع
المجاورة للفرن المعروف بفرن الجلا[ل] (؟) وحدها البحري ينتهي الى دار میمون بن داود
اليهودي الذمي ولدار میمون هذ[ه] حائط هو سترة على هذه الدار المحدودة
وحدها الشرقي ينتهي إلى الزقاق المعروف بزقاق ميكائيل وفيه يشرع با[ـبـ]ـها وحدها
الغربي ينتهي الى الدار المعروفة بالغير وشائعة هذه الثلثة [ا]لاسهم التي وقع
عليها هذا البيع في جميع هذه الدار المحدودة غير مقسومة منها بحدود ما
وقع عليه هذا البيع وبنائه وسفله [و]علوه وطوبه وخشبه وسقفه وابوابه وقاعته
ومسايله وطرقه وكل حق هو له دا[خل فيه وخارج] منه خلا ارض ذلك فانها محكورة لم
تدخل ولا شي منها فيما وقع عليه هذا [البيع المذكور في هذ]ا الكتاب
Recto, left side
بعشرة دنانير مثاقيل ذهبا عینا وازنة جيادا فيها النقل والجعالة شرا صحيحا لا شرط فيه ولا عدة ودفع هذا
المشتري الى عمه داود بن صيمح النيلى جميع الثمن المذكور في هذا الكتاب وقبضه منه
هذا البائع وصار اليه کاملا وافيا وابراه براة صحيحة براة قبض واستيفا وهو
عشرة دنانير وازنة جيادا فيها النقل والجعالة وسلم هذا البائع الى ابن اخيه
صيمح هذا المشتري جميع ما وقع عليه هذا البيع المذكور في هذا الكتاب
وقبضه منه هذا النمشترى وصار في يده كما يقبض مثل ذلك من المشاع
بهذا الشرا المذكور في هذا الكتاب وذلك بعد ان اقرا انهما قد رايا جميعا
جميع هذه الدار المحدودة في هذا الكتاب داخلها وخارجها وجميع ما فيها
ومنها من بنا وسفل وعلو ومرافق وحقوق وقليل وكثير ووقفا على ما ابتيع به
في هذا الكتاب وعلى أن مبلغ الحكر من جميع ارض هذه الدار المذكورة
في هذا الكتاب المحدودة فيه نصف دينار في كل شهر يجب على هذه الحصة
المبيعة بقسطها ثمن ذلك وهو نصف ثمن دينار في كل شهر لا اكثر من ذلك
بوجه ولا سبب وبعد وقوفهما على سائر حقوق هذه الدار ووضعا ایدیهما على ما
توضع الايدي عليه من ذلك فتبایعا على ذلك وتفرقا بعد هذا البيع بابدانهما عن تراض
منهما بذلك وانفاذ منهما له فما ادرك صيمح بن صدقة بن صيمح الاسرائيلي الصيرفي
هذا المشتري فيما وقع عليه هذا البيع المذكور في هذا الكتاب وفي شي منه ومن حقوقه
من درك من احد من الناس كلهم فعلی عمه داود بن ميمح الاسرائيلي النيلي هذا
البائع تسليم ما يجب عليه في ذلك من حق ويلزمه بسبب هذا البيع المذكور حتى يسلم
Recto, right side
- In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate. Praise be to God and peace be upon his servants, whom he has chosen.
- This is what Ṣemaḥ, bearing the patronymic Abū al-Faraj, ibn Ṣadaqa ibn Ṣemaḥ, the Jewish money-changer, bought from his uncle,
- Dā'ūd ibn Ṣemaḥ, the Jewish indigo-dealer. He bought from him with one clapping of the hands the entire eighth completely, this being
- three shares out of a total of six shares, which Dā'ūd, this seller, stated belonged to him and was in his ownership and possession,
- out of the twenty-four (shares) of the entire standing structure in the house that is in Fusṭāṭ - Miṣr It has separate dwellings on (its) floors
- in wooden apartments surrounding its courtyard. This [ ] From it one enters
- six storerooms. This courtyard has a washroom and a storeroom, which ...... a staircase to a kneading-trough,
- one of the rights of this house. In this courtyard there is a marble pillar erected with its two stays at the bottom,
- in the middle of this courtyard. This house is part of the fortress known as the Fortress of the Greeks,
- also known as the Fortress of the Candles. It has four boundaries. Its southern boundary extends to the well-known house
- of the charitable foundation of the former church of (St.) Michael, now known as the church of the Greeks, in the Fortress of the Candles,
- contiguous to the oven known as the oven of al-Jalāl. Its northern boundary extends to the house of Maymūn ibn Dā'ūd,
- the Jewish dhimmī. This house of Maymūn has a wall that forms a covering over the house that is defined herein.
- Its eastern boundary extends to the street know as the street of (St.) Michael and its door communcates with it. Its western boundary
- extends to the house known (by the name) of others. These three shares, which
- this sale entailed, are held in common in the entire house that has been defined herein, they are not separate from it. (He purchased this) with the boundaries of what
- was entailed by this sale, its structure, its lower and upper floors, its brick, its timber, its roof, its doors, its courtyard,
- its conduits, its passages, each of its rights, within and without, except its land, for it is leased and
- neither it, nor any part of it, was included in what was entailed by this [sale, mentioned in this] document,
Recto, left side
- for ten dinars, standard weight, gold, in minted coin of good alloy, including transfer tax and commission, a valid sale without any condition or promise.
- This buyer paid to his uncle Dā'ūd ibn Ṣemaḥ, the indigo-dealer, the entire price mentioned in this document and this seller received it from him
- and it passed into his possession completely and fully and he released him with a valid quittance, a quittance of receipt in full, it being
- ten dinars, full weight, of good alloy, including transfer tax and commission. This seller handed over to his nephew,
- this Ṣemaḥ, the buyer, everything that was entailed by this sale, mentioned in this document,
- and this buyer took it from him and it passed into his possession, as such property held in. common is customarily received,
- by this sale mentioned in this document. This was after they had acknowledged that they had both seen
- all this house, which is defined in this document, its interior and exterior, and all that is in it or
- is part of it, including structure, lower and upper floors, amenities, rights and (all parts), be they few or many, and (after) they had taken note of the sale price
- in this document and of the fact that all the rent for the land of this house mentioned
- and defined in this document is half a dinar a month. This portion,
- which has been sold, according to its share must pay an eighth of that, which is a half of an eighth of a dinar every month, no more than that
- for any reason whatsoever. (This was also) after they had taken note of the other rights of this house and had placed their hands on whatever parts of it
- they could. They undertook the transaction on these terms and separated bodily after this sale in mutual satisfaction
- with that and with the intention of carrying it out. Should any claim be made against Ṣemaḥ ibn Ṣadaqa ibn Ṣemaḥ, the Jewish money-changer,
- this buyer, regarding what was entailed by this sale, mentioned in this document, or any part of it or of its rights,
- by any person, it is the duty of his uncle Dā'ūd ibn Ṣemaḥ, the Jewish indigo-dealer, this
- seller, to hand over whatever right is incumbent on him or he is bound by, on account of this aforementioned sale. (He is responsible) until he hands
T-S H10.173 1v
![1v 1v](,/0/default.jpg)
Verso, top right
ذلك الى ابن اخيه هذا المشتري على ما يوجبه له عليه هذا البيع المذكور في هذا الكتاب
شهد على اقرار البائع والمشتري بجميع ما فيه بعد قراته عليهما في صحة منهما وجواز وامرهما
وذلك في العشر الثاني من شعبان سنة ثمان واربعين واربع مائة وفيه ...........
النقل والجعل صح
Verso, right center
من سلامـ[ـة؟] و.ـله ... نصر بن داود
بن صيمح تاريخ اليوم
........... عن ابيه
Verso, top right
- that over to his nephew, this buyer, according to the obligation that this sale, which is mentioned in this document, places upon him.
- The acknowledgement by the seller and the buyer of all that is in it was witnessed after it was read to them, while they were in sound health and legally capable of conducting their affairs.
- That was in the second decade of Shaʿbān in the year four-hundred and forty-four. It contains .....
- transfer tax and commission.
Verso, right center
- ............. Dā'ūd
- ibn Ṣemaḥ today
- .............