Letter: T-S AS 157.232 + T-S AS 157.231 + T-S AS 146.329
Letter T-S AS 157.232 + T-S AS 157.231 + T-S AS 146.329Tags
Several fragments of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Refers to 'al-Segula' and a court case; having enclosed additional letters; refers to the addressee as חמדת לבינו (the beloved of our hearts) and asks him to forward those letters; and reports that Abū Naṣr Ibn al-Tustarī (= Ḥesed b. Sahl) has become a government secretary (kātib al-amīr). T-S AS 146.329 (indirect join identified by Alan Elbaum) is likely the continuation, mentioning Abū l-Najm Hilāl, the amīr of Bayrūt, and greetings. (Information in part from CUDL.) T-S AS 157.232 + T-S AS 157.231 was edited by Gil as doc. 6 in The Tustaris.
Edition: Elbaum, Alan
T-S AS 157.232 1r
Alan Elbaum, unpublished editions (n.p., 2023).Translation
T-S AS 157.231 1r
T-S AS 146.329 1r
- . . . . . . . . . . .
- לחמדת לבינו . . צ . [
- אלי אמיר בירות ונחן [
- ואלשיך אבו אלנגם הלאל [
- לבינו אגל סלאם ויסע[
- כלא[
- מן [