Letter: T-S AS 152.86 + T-S AS 152.168
Letter T-S AS 152.86 + T-S AS 152.168What's in the PGP
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- 1 Transcription
- 1 Translation
Letter in the hand of Maimonides, with a medical recipe consisting of (iron) water, lentisk and spikenard, and a mysterious mention of a huge number of wooden ships ("There arrived from the wooden (ships) that which blocked the sea/Nile, 100 ships and 18 great ships, all of them wood.") (Information from CUDL, join from CUDL.) See Wagner, E. (2007). A newly-discovered fragment of a letter written by Maimonides (T-S AS 152.86). [Genizah Research Unit, Fragment of the Month, October 2007]. https://doi.org/10.17863/CAM.40720.
Editor: Wagner, Esther-Miriam
Translator: Wagner, Esther-Miriam (in English)
T-S AS 152.86 1r

Esther-Miriam Wagner, "A newly-discovered fragment of a letter written by Maimonides (T-S AS 152.86)," Fragment of the Month (Cambridge University: Genizah Research Unit, 2007).
- [... ת]עד עשרה ארטאל זב[רה (?) ...]
- תשרב והו יכון מוקת כל טעאם
- תאכלה וכל מא ת[א]שי עמלת שיא
- אכר וצפתה תאכד קדרא
- גדידה פכאר ותגעל פיהא עשרה
- ארטאל מא ודרהמיין מצטכי
- ודרהם סנבל גיר מס[חוק] ..
- ... (אר)טאל חדיד ....
Esther-Miriam Wagner, "A newly-discovered fragment of a letter written by Maimonides (T-S AS 152.86)," Fragment of the Month (Cambridge University: Genizah Research Unit, 2007).
- … (you should) prepare ten pounds of (iron?) …
- you should drink, and this should be timed with every meal
- you eat, and whenever you need (?). I made another
- thing. Its recipe (is): take a new
- earthen pot, and put in it ten
- pounds of water and 2 dirhams of lentisk and
- a dirham of spikenard, [whole] not crushed …
- … (po)unds of iron …
T-S AS 152.86 1v

T-S AS 152.168 1r

T-S AS 152.168 1v