Letter: ENA 3612.4 + T-S AS 148.202
Letter ENA 3612.4 + T-S AS 148.202Tags
Letter in the hand of Yefet b. Menashshe. In Judaeo-Arabic. Two fragments comprising the bottom part of the letter. Refers to the qāḍī Amīn al-Dawla Abū ʿAlī; a request that the addressee put in a good word for the bearer of this letter, Abū ʿAlī Ibn Qaṭāʾīf, who has never purchased goods from government bureaus (dīwān) or public auctions (ḥalqa) (והו מא ישתרי שי מן אלדיואן ולא מן חלקה ולא לה אסם בשרא חואיג מן דיואן) but who is being persecuted by the police (al-rajjāla) on account of his unemployment. There is a version of a raʾy clause toward the end. (Information in part from CUDL.) Join: Alan Elbaum.