Legal document: T-S NS 305.115
Legal document T-S NS 305.115What's in the PGP
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- 1 Transcription
- 1 Translation
Three drafts of a testimony concerning the qualifications and good conduct of the physician Abū l-Ḥasan b. Abū Sahl b. Ibrāhīm (=Yedutun ha-Levi?). The witnesses confirm his trustworthiness, good health and moral values, religious devotion, reliability, probity, charitableness, and integrity. No witness statements are present in the document. Ca. 13th century. Khan labels recto (as conserved) verso and vice-versa; verso contains drafts 1 and 2, and recto contains draft 3. The verso also has the glyph at the top. (Information in part from CUDL and Khan.)
Editor: Khan, Geoffrey
Translator: Khan, Geoffrey (in English)
T-S NS 305.115 1v
![1v 1v](,/0/default.jpg)
Verso - draft 1
- لے
شهد من وقع اسمه في اخر هذا المحضر وهم من الرجال
المسلمين الاحرار المساتير الاخيار شهدوا
جميعا وفرادى انهم يعرفون بو الحسن بن ابو سهل بن ابرهيم
المتطبب منتجزه معرفة صحيحة ثابتة بعينه واسمه ونسبه
ويخبرون حاله ويقفون على اموره ويشهدون شهادة
لا شك عندهم فيها ولا ريب أنه من اهل الستر والسلامة
والعافية والخبرة والمعرفة امينا فيما يعانيه من صناعته
ثقة فيما يتولاه من تدينه فى ديانته من مداواة وغيرها وفي الجلوس في
الحوانيت الشارعة على الطريق والتصرف في
دخول [[ منازل ]] \\ادر\\ الناس ومنازل من
يعلموا عليه الا الأخير والصيانة والثقة والامانة والعفاف
ويستصلح لما هو بصدده وهم بما شهدوا به
عارفون وله محقون ومثبتون ولما سالهم
سائل اجابوا سواله باثبات شهاداتهم بما
... علموه من ثقته وأمانته وصيانته وخبرته وخيريته
ومعرفته بجميع ذلك اجابوا سواله واثبتوها
وذلك في اليوم الفلان
Verso - draft 2
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
شهد من اثبت شهادته اخر هذا المحضر
وهم من الرجال المسلمين الاحرار شهدوا
جميعا وفرادي <أنهم يعرفون> منتجزه الريس ابو الحسن ..
[ بن ] ابو سهل بن ابرهيم اليهودى المتطبب المعرفة
Draft 1
The people whose names occur at the end of this court record, they being free,
honourable and good Muslim men, testified,
together and singly, that they know Bū al-Ḥasan ibn Abū Sahl ibn Ibrāhīm,
the physician, the one requesting (this document to be drawn up), with valid and sound knowledge, in person, name, and genealogy,
are informed about his condition and are familiar with his affairs. They testify, with a testimony
concerning which they have no doubt or misgiving, that he is a man of honour, soundness,
good health, expertise and knowledge, trustworthy in the profession that he practises,
reliable, on account of his devotion to his religion, in the treatment he undertakes and in other matters; in holding sessions
in street stalls and in having freedom
of access to the houses of people and the dwellings of those whom he treats. They have not known him
to exhibit anything but charity, probity, trustworthiness, reliability and integrity.
He is well qualified for his profession.
They recognize, ratify and confirm what they have testified to. Since someone has requested them,
they have responded by registering their testimony to what
they know of his trustworthiness, reliability, probity, expertise, uprightness
and knowledge. They have responded to his request by stating all of this and have registered it.
This took place on such-and-such a day.
Draft 2
In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate.
The people registering their testimony at the end of this court record,
they being free Muslim men, testified,
together and singly, <that they know> the man requesting it, the rayyis Abū al-Ḥasan
[ibn] Abū Sahl ibn lbrāhīm, the Jewish physician, with
a valid knowledge.
T-S NS 305.115 1r
![1r 1r](,/0/default.jpg)
Recto - draft 3
شهد من اثبت شهادته اخر هذا المحضر شهدوا
جميعا وفرادى انهم يعرفون فلان منتجزه معرفة
صحيحة جامعة بعينه واسمه ونسبه ويخبرون
حاله ويقفون على اموره ويشهدون شهادة لا
شك عندهم فيها ولا ريب أنه من اهل الستر
والسلامة والعافية وانه عالم بصناعة الطب
وعارف بها وبمواقعها ومداواة الامراض
البدنية وامراض العين وحدوث المرض بها
وسببه وعلاجه وما يصلح [[له]] \\للمداواة\\ وانه اهل
لما \\هو\\ بصدده \\ولما يراد منه\\ من الثقة والامانة والصيانة
والعفاف عرفوا ذلك منه وحققوه
وبما شهدوا به عارفون [ [ولا ...] ] وله محقون مثبتون
ولما سالهم سائل جابوا سواله باثبات شهادا [تـ]ـهم
بما علموه من ذلك اجابوا سواله واثبتوها له وذلك
في اليوم
Draft 3
The people registering their testimony at the end of this court record testified,
together and singly, that they know the one requesting it,
with a valid and comprehensive knowledge, in person, name and genealogy, are apprised of
his condition and are familiar with his affairs. They testify with a testimony
concerning which they have no doubt or misgiving that he is a man of honour,
soundness and good health, and that he is learned in the profession of medicine
and knowledgeable about it in all its aspects, namely the treatment of diseases
of the body and the cause of diseases of the eye, when they occur,
and their correct treatment, and that he is well qualified
for his profession and for what is required of him by way of trustworthiness, reliability, probity
and integrity. They know that he possesses these qualities and they confirm it,
and recognize, confirm and ratify what they testify to.
Since someone has requested them, they have responded by registering their testimony
to what they know in this regard. They have responded to his request and have registered it
On the – day.