Legal document: T-S J3.2
Legal document T-S J3.2Tags
Leaves from a Qaraite book of formularies. 7 leaves (2 bifolia and 3 separate leaves). One folio contains a divorce formula, and two folios (edited by Olszowy-Schlanger) contain a marriage formula. Formula to be used in Jerusalem [?]. There is also an Islamic text in Judaeo-Arabic, concerning the beginnings of Islam and the Prophet Muḥammad and containing part of a very interesting genealogy: بن هاشم بن عب[...] بن اليوسع بن نبا[...] بن فهر بن كنانة بن [...] بن قيدار بن اسمعيل [...] بن رعو بن فالغ بن [...] نوح. Information in part from CUDL and FGP.