Legal document: T-S 8J6.21
Legal document T-S 8J6.21Tags
Legal deed. Location: Rashīd (Rosetta). Dated: 17 Tevet 5318 AM = 8 December 1557 CE. Settling debts between Shelomo, Rahamim and Reʾuven. Signed by Avraham b. Shelomo Levi Ḥaqqān the judge(?) and Saʿadya Bū l-Khayr (בולכייר). The validation is signed by Elyaqim Ashkenazi b. Shelomo, Menaḥem Delmedigo and Moses Binyamin b. לא״א (either לאדני אבי or לאהובי אבי) the holy, the humble, כה״ר Yaʿaqov. (Information in part from CUDL)