List or table: T-S NS 320.141

List or table T-S NS 320.141

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Verso: Account of the Qodesh: building expenditures and supplies for the Synagogue. Dating: ca. 1042 – Nov. 1043. In the hand of Yefet b. David b. Shekhanya (according to Goitein). Only the left part of the leaf is preserved. The work of a carpenter and his helpers is noted as is the supply of plastering materials, including red and white gypsum, probably for some decorative work. There is mention of stones, an item seldom met in these accounts. Candlesticks and chains are supplied to the synagogue. The record also contains some bigger money matters between the leading officials of the congregation, such as the return to one of them of a sum he had advanced for the needs of the synagogue. It must have been a huge sum, since besides dinars, the total amount of which is not preserved, 669 dir. are mentioned. (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 204 #28) Recto: PGPID 35070.



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