Paraliterary text: ENA 4193.18
Paraliterary text ENA 4193.18What's in the PGP
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Astrological text in Arabic script, with interspersed words transcribed into Judaeo-Arabic (late hand) in the spaces between the lines. This demonstrates that even some Jews who could write Judaeo-Arabic very well couldn’t read Arabic or the transcriber was beginning to create an edition in Judaeo-Arabic for non-Arabic readers. The names of the planets in Arabic are transcribed as is in Judaeo-Arabic and not translated into Hebrew which could be because the entire scientific literature of that period was in Arabic.
Editor: Umrethwala, Yusuf
Translator: Umrethwala, Yusuf (in English)
ENA 4193.18 1

من يوم الاحد وان اردت الهياجان
ففي ساعة المريخ من يوم الجمعة وهي
سادس ساعة منه وان اردت
تحرق قلبه ففي ساعة الزهرة من
يوم الثلاثا وهي ثالث ساعة
وان اردت صمته وعقد لسانه
ففي ساعة زحل من يوم الخميس
وهي سابع ساعة منه وان اردت
… عقد الشهوة ففي ساعة زحل
- من يوم
On Sunday. If you intend to provoke/agitate (him/someone)
then in the hours of Mars on Friday which is
The sixth hour of the day and if you wish to
burn his heart (inflict severe pain), then in the hours of Venus
on Tuesday which is the third hour of the day
and if you wish to silence him and impede his speech
then in the hours of Jupiter on Thursday
Which is the seventh hour of the day. And if you wish
To curb his desires and pleasures then in the hours of Saturn
ENA 4193.18 2

صفة معرفة الأعمال الخير
والشر في ساعات الكواكب
على طريقة الجمل ان اردت الهيبة
عند الملوك ففي ساعة الشمس يوم
ان اردت الهيبة عند الملوك ففي
يوم الاحد اول ساعة وان اردت
تكون الهيبة عند الامرا واجند
ففي ساعة الشمس من يوم الثلاثا
وان اردت محبة عند الناس
والسلاطين ففي ساعة الزهرة
Description of understanding the rightful actions
And the evil in hours of the stars
in summation. If you wish for prestige
In front of emperors, then in the hours of the Sun on the day
If you wish for prestige in front of emperors, then on
Sunday in the first hour and if you wish
For status in front of Emirs and army personnel
then in the hours of Sun on Tuesday
And if you desire for people’s affection for you
and that of the kings, then in the hours of Venus