Letter: T-S Ar.30.36
Letter T-S Ar.30.36Tags
Short note from a father to the teacher of his son. Only if the boy memorizes biblical passages which he will be able to chant in public will he be prepared to learn. Information from Goitein's note card.
Edition: Goitein, S. D.
Translation: Goitein, S. D. (in English)
T-S Ar.30.36 1r
S. D. Goitein, "Side Lights on Jewish Education from the Cairo Geniza," in Gratz College Anniversary volume (Philadelphia: Gratz College, 1971), 83-110.- בש רח
- יא מן אנא עבדה קד כנת סאלתה
- אן יקרי אלצגיר כל גמעה אפטארה
- אלפראשה וגרת עאדה מתלה אן
- יקרו אלצביאן כל מוסם מא יצלח
- פי אלפורים אלמגלה וקבל אלפסח
- שיר השירים ואלעניאנאת אלדי
- פי אלאעיאד באני אדא לם אטלע
- בה יקרא פי אלכניסה מא יקרא שי
>erp/< אלבתה פתנעם תקריה אלאפטארה ולמגלה תנעם ושלום
S. D. Goitein, "Side Lights on Jewish Education from the Cairo Geniza," in Gratz College Anniversary volume (Philadelphia: Gratz College, 1971), 83-110.Recto
In Y(our name) O Me(rciful) !
O you, whose servant I am, I have requested you several times to teach my little one every week the portion from the Prophets belonging to the weekly lection. Likewise, it is customary for teachers to let the boys read the sections of the Bible appropriate to each season, such as the Book of Esther for Purim, and the Song of Songs for Passover, as well as other texts recited during the holidays. For if I do not ascend the platform with him having him read in the synagogue, he will not learn at all. So please, teach him the portions from the Prophets and the Scroll of Esther. And peace!