Letter: ENA NS I.58

Letter ENA NS I.58



Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: early 13th century. Recommending the bearer for assistance. The bearer had a partnership in a commodity with Bū l-Ḥasan al-Ḥakīm known as Ibn al-ʿUjaylī, but it was sold for less than half its value. He has gone to Fustat to collect funds for returning to Palestine. Mentions al-Raʾīs Avraham (Maimonides) and al-Raʾīs Menaḥem; greetings to al-Muhadhdhab, Bū l-Munajjā and his son al-Shaykh al-Asʿad (a.k.a. Abū Saʿd b. Abū l-Munajjā, known from other documents) and his brother Bū l-Faraj Mardūkh(?); Bū l-Karam and his son Abū Isḥāq; and Bū l-Ḥasan. Shemuel was present with the letter writer and sends his greetings. A previous PGP description indicated that the sender is named Abū l-Faraj, but it's not clear where this is written. At the end of the letter the writer apologizes for writing the letter while drinking wine (וכתב עלי כמר . . . ולא תואכד אלממלוך לאנה כתב הדה אלכדמה והו עלי נביד). AA/ASE

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  • ENA NS I.58: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL) CC-Zero / Public Domain