Letter: ENA NS 48.10

Letter ENA NS 48.10


Input date

In PGP since 2017


Petition for help addressed to a Jewish notable. Written in Hebrew, for the introduction, and Judaeo-Arabic, for the body. The sender is a goldsmith in the central exchange (Dār al-Ṣarf). A certain Daylamī named ʿAzīz al-Dawla has been persecuting him (יעמל מעי פי שפיכות דמים... ממא יעמל מעי מן אלסנאות). The addressee is asked to intervene and stop that man from harming the sender. "I have begun a task and I am unable to obtain my wage on his account." He uses the stock phrase, "The knife has reached the bone." There are also a few words in Arabic script upside down at the bottom of the page (possibly from an earlier document reused for the petition).

ENA NS 48.10 1




ENA NS 48.10 2

Image Permissions Statement
  • ENA NS 48.10: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL) CC-Zero / Public Domain