Letter: ENA NS 7.85

Letter ENA NS 7.85


Letter fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic with the address in Arabic script. The only name surviving in the address is Musāfir b. Hiba al-Sabīʿī, which is presumably an Arabic transliteration of the Hebrew al-Sheviʿi, 'the seventh. This person must be identical with Musāfir b. Wahb (=Araḥ b. Natan 'the seventh'), and he is probably the addressee of the present letter (compare T-S Ar.39.126 for Musāfir b. Wahb's Arabic-script signature and T-S 13J22.23 for a Judaeo-Arabic letter of his; neither hand resembles the hand of this letter). As for the content: the writer mentions the addressee's maternal uncle Abū l-Faḍl and a letter from a court to a court (or from a judge to a judge) and someone obtaining what is due him. Regards to 'all the children'; mentions someone's sister. ASE.

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Image Permissions Statement
  • ENA NS 7.85: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL) CC-Zero / Public Domain