Legal document: T-S 13J21.31
Legal document T-S 13J21.31What's in the PGP
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Verso: Statute for tenants of the Qodesh. Dating: ca. 1215 (according to Gil, but his handwriting comparison may not be sound, and this document could be as late as ca. 1300). The document preserves a number of conditions imposed upon the lessees of the qodesh. It proclaims 1) a ban (herem) against anyone who defaults on the monthly payment, for any reason whatsoever. Therefore, exactly as one would beg money for food, one should do so, if necessary, in order to pay rent. 2) The ban will also operate also on anyone who does not accept the amount of the rent as established by three Jews, the muqawwimin. 3) The lessee is obliged to present his deeds of lease whenever asked to do so in the name of the waqf. 4) The ban will also be applied to anybody making use of a Muslim's intervention in order to obtain a lodging in the houses of the qodesh or a reduction of rent imposed on him. (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 411 #112.) On recto there is a Hebrew poem in the hand of Nāṣir al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī (d. after 1298).
Editor: Gil, Moshe
Translator: Gil, Moshe (in English)
T-S 13J21.31 1v

- יעתדר ען וזנה אלאגרה פי כל
- שהר בחאלה מן אלאחואל פאן כמא
- יכדי ויתצדק מא יאכלה יתצדק
- מא יזנה אגרה תם אחרמנא
- באסם מן יסכן פי דאר או טבקה
- בגיר אלקימה אלדי יקולהא תלאתה
- יהוד פאי וקת אן עצא ען וזן
- מא יאמרוה בה אלמקומין כאן תחת
- אלחרם תם אחרמנא באסם
- מן יטלב מנה כתב אגארה באסם
- אלוקף ויתאבא ויכאסר ען פעל
- דלך תם אחרמנא באסם
- מן יתגאהא או יתשפע באחד
- מן אלגויים פי סכן פי אלוקף או
- פי נקץ אלאגרה ענה ען מא יקוום
- עליה וכל מן יתעדא עלי הדה
- אלחרמות יכון הו אלמסכין קד
- כאטר בנפסה ובמאלה לאן הדא
- אלחרם מא תהאון אחד בה וכאן
…. (that nobody should)
- excuse himself from paying the rent every
- month, whatever his circumstances might be, even if, just as
- he begs and receives alms for his food, he should receive alms
- to pay the rent with them. We have also proclaimed the ban
- in the Name (of God) against whoever lives in a compound or in a ṭabaqa
- without (paying) the price fixed by three
- Jews. So that whenever such a person refuses to pay
- the sum imposed on him by the assessors he will be under
- the ban. We also proclaimed the ban in the Name (of God)
- (10-12) on anybody who refuses to present them or hinders (another), when the deeds of lease in the name of the waqf are requested from him, to do so. We also proclaimed the ban in the Name (of God)
- against whoever tries to evade (payment) or asks for the mediation of some
- Gentile concerning his lodging in the waqf or
- the reduction of his rent as assessed
- against him. Whoever would transgress these
- bans would himself be the loser. He would verily
- bring danger upon himself and his properties. Since this
- ban (is of such a nature that) as soon as a person contravenes it ….
T-S 13J21.31 1r