Legal document: ENA 3917.2
Legal document ENA 3917.2What's in the PGP
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Recto: Document in Arabic script. Possibly a letter. Rudimentary handwriting and orthography. Sings the praises of a Coptic sage in Alexandria. This sage is versed in theology (الناطق بالقوال التالوغسية) and Hermetic arts (المتادب بالاداب الهرمسية) and translates the Coptic and the Arabic languages (مترجم الغات القبطية والعربية). Verso: Letter (or legal query) from Christians addressed to Muslim authorities. In Arabic script. The writers complain about a Christian who was attacked by Muslims, who had been asked by other Christians to do that. They grabbed him, beat him, and dragged him before the bishop of the Christians. Dating: Unknown. Szilagyi dates the fragment to the 10th-15th centuries on the basis of the handwriting. The reference to translating and Coptic and Arabic suggests an earlier date, 10th to 13th century. And there is one word (الاوبيين) that perhaps should be read "al-Ayyūbiyyīn" which would date the fragment to 1171–1250 CE. But it might also be al-adībīn. Informtion from Krisztina Szilagyi via FGP.
ENA 3917.2 recto

ENA 3917.2 verso