Legal document: T-S Misc.29.23 + T-S Ar.38.31

Legal document T-S Misc.29.23 + T-S Ar.38.31


Deed of sale for the purchase by Ibrahim b. Mūsā b. Ṣaliḥ the Jew of two houses and irrigated land to the north of Fusṭāṭ from Dāʾūd b. Azhar b. Ibrahim b. Azhar the Jew. Dated: 6 Ṣafar 498 AH (= 1104 CE). Witnessed by Al-Ḥasan b. al-Ḥusayn b. ʿAlī al-Anṣārī and ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz b. Ṭāhir b. Ismaʿīl. (Information from CUDL and Khan.)

T-S Misc.29.23 1r



Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).


  1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله وحده وكفى وصلواته على عباده الذين اصطفی 

  2. هذا ما اشترى ابرهيم بن موسی بن صلح الاسرائيلي من [دا اود بن ازهر بن ابرهيم بن ازهر الاسرائيلي اشترى [ ]...[ ] 

  3.  ياتي ذكرهما الذي ذكر هذا البائع ان ذلك له وفي ملكه ملكا صحيحا وحقا واجبا في يده فمنهما الحصة التي مبلغها سهم واحد من جميع الدويرة المعروفة بالجنان المعروفة ] 

  4. بكرام التي ذكر هذا البائع أن له منها وفي ملكه ملكا صحيحا وحقا واجبا في يده خمسة اسهم من اربعة وعشرين سهما التي باع من جملتها هذا السهم من اربعة وعشرين سهما وبقي في ملكه بعد

  5. ذلك جميع اللسدس و هو اربعة اسهم من اربعة وعشرين سهما شائعا غير مقسوم وهي الدويرة التي منها لهذا المشتري وفي ملكه ملكا صحيحا وحقا واجبا في يده خمسة اسهم من اربعة وعشرين سهما .

  6. ‘وكمل] له (بمتقدم ملیکه وبحق هذا الشرى جميع .. [ اربعـ]ـة وعشرين سهما شائعا غير مقسوم وهي الدويرة ذات الباب والحيطان الدائرة بها والأرض السواد 

  7. الجرجير والليموا والخيار شنبر والسدر وا [ل أم المثمر والودي الغير المطعم وذات البئرين الما المعينين اللتين احداهما عليها ساقية خشب مركبة عليها 

  8. [ ] .. تسري عليها ساقية خشب مركبة عليها والهمالية المركبة التي في جانبها الشرقي وهي قريبة من بابها المدخول منه اليها اللاتي ذلك كله من حقوقهما ومنهما الحـ[ـصة ] 

  9. [ ] .... التي هي نظير الحصة المبدا بذكرها في هذا الكتاب التى مبلغها سهم واحد من اربعة وعشرين سهما من جميع الدويرة المعروفة بالجنان المعروفة بالمرسبي وهي .... بالدويرة المبدا بذكرها 

  10.  . وهي ذات الأرض السواد والفسقية والجوسق الخراب بيومئذ واصول الشجر والنخل القائمة فيها المطعم وغير المطعم والكمثرى والسدر والليموا وذات البئر الما المعينة 

  11. [ ] والمالية للنيل الكبير كل واحدة منهما بغير ساقية مركبة عليها والعامر والغامر والحقوق والمرافق وهما الدويرتان اللتان بحيرى فلسطاط مصر بالضيعة المعروفة بمنبوبة 

  12. [ ] بحضرة قامش مروان ويحيط بالدويرة المبدا بوصفها فيه المعروفة بكرام ويجمعها ويشتمل عليها حدود اربعة الحد الأول[ ] الدويرة المعروفة بالمرسبی ورود به

  13. [ ] التي ياتى تحديدها في هذا الكتاب والحد البحري ينتهي إلى الجنان المعروفة ببو رعبة الجارية في الديوان والحد الاشرقي ينتهي الى ] ... لط...[ ] 

  14. ابو شنيف وجزيرة محمد وفي الحد الشرقي منها تشرع الهمالية المذكورة وتحيط بالدويرة المعروفة بالمرسبي [ ] 

  15. الحاد الأول وهو القبلى ينتهي إلى الطريق المسلوك فيه الى منية عقبة والحد البحري ينتهي الى الـ[ـطريق] 

  16. .الحد الشرقي ينتهي إلى الجنان المعروفة بالجنان الصغيرة والحد الغربي ينتهی الى الجنان المعروفة بـ[ ]

  17. [ ]حقوقه واراضيه السواد واباره وهماليته وجوسق لكل منهما واخشابهما وانشابهما وكل حق هو لهما [داخل فيهما وكل حق هر لهما خارج منهما ] 

  18. وجميع ما وقع عليه هذا البيع المذكور في هذا الكتاب بخمسة عشر دينارا مثاقيل ذهبا عینا وازنة جيادا شرا صحيحا لا شرط فيه يفسده ] 

  19. ولا عدة عليه تبطله ودفع ابرهيم بن موسی بن صلح الاسرائيلي هذا المشتر[ی 

  20. هذا الثمن المذكور في هذا الكتاب فقبض ذلك منه تاما واستوفاه کاملا وابراه من جميعه بعد قبضه له ومن بلده وورثته ]

  21.  براة قبض واستيفا وهو خمسة عشر دينارا مثاقيل ذهبا عينا وازنة جيادا وسلم هذا البائع الـ[ـى]

  22. [ في هذا ا]لكتاب منه وصار في يده وقبضه وحوزه ملكا له ..[ هـ]ـذا لكتاب [ ]

  23. [ ] بعد اقرار هذين متبايعين بروية هانين الدويرتين [المحدو ]دتين الليموصوفتين ] في هذا الكتاب وقفا على داخل ]

  24. ذلك وخارجه وما فيه وله من عامر وغامر وجدر محيطة به وقوفا صحيحا فتبایعا على ذلك كذلك بينهما ثم تفرقا بالابدان [ ]

  25. فما ادرك هذا المشترى فيما وقع عليه هذا البيع المذكور في هذا الكتاب وفي شي منه ومن حقوقه من درك من الحد من الناس كلهم فعلى هذا البائع تسليم]

  26.  جميع ما يجب عليه في ذلك من حق ويلزمه من رد ثمن وقيام بقيمة. وتسليم من قليل وكثير حتى يسلم ذلك الى هذا الملشتری ] 

  27. وهو مقر انه ملی بما ضمنه وقبل هذا المشترى من هذا البائع جميع ذلك كله قبولا صحيحا شهد على اقرار البائع والمشتري بجميع ما فيه بعد قراته عليهما واقرا بفهمه ]

  28. حرفا حرفا في صحة منهما وجواز امر طوعا وذلك في اليوم السادس من شهر صفر سنة ثمان وتسعين واربع مائة ] 

  29. واقر هذا البائع ان في جميع هذا الثمن المذكور و .... [ ]

  30. الملحق والمصلح الى كتب له وهما صحيح وعليه شهد في تار [يخه ] 


Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).

  1. In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate. Praise be to God alone. He is sufficient for, and his blessings be upon, his [servants, whom] he has chosen. 

  2. This is what Ibrāhīm ibn Mūsā ibn Ṣāliḥ the Jew bought from Dāʾūd ibn Azhar  ibn Ibrāhīm ibn Azhar the Jew. He bought [ …]  

  3. mentioned below, which this seller stated belonged to him (and) was in his  ownership, as a valid asset and a right with legal force in his possession. One of  these two is the portion amounting to one share of all the small house know by  (the name) of the gardens that are known  

  4. by (the name) of Kirām, concerning which this seller stated that there belonged to  him in his ownership, as a valid asset and a right with legal force in his  possession, five shares of it out of twenty-four shares, from which total he sold this one share out of twenty-four shares and there remained in his ownership after  

  5. that all the [sixth], that is four shares out of twenty-four shares, held in common not separated. This is the small house, of which five shares out of twenty-four shares belong to this buyer and are in his ownership, as a valid asset and as a  right with legal force in his possession.  

  6. [By his prior ownership] and by the right of this sale [there cumulatively accrued]  to him all .. [ … ] twenty-four shares, held in common not  separated. This is the small house with a door, surrounding walls, fertile land  

  7. [ … ] lupins, [ … ] cassia fistula, zizyphus, [ … ] fruit-bearing  [ … ], young palms not producing edible fruit, and also with two wells with  spring water, upon one of which a wooden irrigation channel is constructed  

  8. [ … ] upon it runs a wooden irrigation channel constructed upon it and a  constructed water cistern, which is on its eastern side, it being near to its door, by  which one enters into it, all of which are among their rights. Also the portion of them 

  9. [ …] which is equivalent to the portion mentioned earlier in this document, which amounts to one share out of twenty-four shares from the entire  small house known by (the name) of the gardens that are know by (the name) of  al-Marsabī, this being … the aforementioned small house  

  10. [ … ] it has fertile land, a fountain, a pavilion, which is now a ruin, trees,  standing palm-trees, including those with and those without edible fruit, pears,  zizyphus; lemons, and a spring water well  

  11. [ … ] the water cistern to the main Nile, each one of them without an  irrigation channel constructed upon it, what is cultivated and uncultivated, the  rights and the amenities. They are the two small houses to the north of Fusṭāṭ - Miṣr, in the estate known by (the name) of Manbūba 

  12.   [ … ] in the area of Qāmish Marwān. Four boundaries surround, delimit  and define the small house described above, known as Kirām. The first [ …  ] the small house know as al-Marsabī  

  13. [ … ] which will be defined below in this document. The southern  boundary extends to the gardens known as Bū Raʿba, which are registered in the  (government) office. The [eastern] boundary [extends to ]  

  14. [ … A]bū Shanīf and Jazīrat Muḥammad. With its eastern boundary the  aforementioned water cistern communicates and it surrounds the small house  known as … [ … ]  

  15. [ … ] the first boundary, which is the southern, extends to the road leading to  Minyat ʿUqba. The northern boundary extends to the road [ …]  

  16. [ … ] the eastern [boundary] extends to the gardens known as 'the small   gardens'. The western boundary extends to the gardens known as [ … ]  

  17. [ … ] its rights, its plots of fertile land, its wells, its cistern, the pavilion of  each of them, their timber, their moveable property, each of their rights [within and without]  

  18. [ … and everything that] was entailed by this sale mentioned in this document  (was sold) for fifteen dīnārs, standard weight, [gold, in minted coin of full weight and good alloy, a valid sale without any condition that would corrupt it]  

  19. or any promise that would annul it. Ibrāhīm ibn Mūsā ibn Ṣāliḥ the Jew, this  buyer, paid [ … ]  

  20. this price mentioned in this document and he received it from him completely, in full, completely and released him, [and his descendants and his heirs], from all of it after having received it [ … ]  

  21. with a quittance of receipt in full, it (the price) being fifteen dīnārs, standard  weight, gold, in minted coin of full weight and good alloy. This seller handed  over to [ … ]  

  22. [in this] document from him and it passed into his hand, his possession and his  ownership, as an asset for him .. [ … ] this document [ … ]  

  23. [ … ] after these two people carrying out the transaction had  acknowledged that they had seen these two small houses, which are defined [and described] in this document [ and had become familiar with the interior]

  24. and the exterior, and what is in it and belongs to it by way of cultivated and  uncultivated land and surrounding walls, in a legally valid way. They undertook the transaction on these terms and in this manner between them, then they separated physically [ … ]  

  25. Should any claim be made against this buyer in respect of what was entailed by this sale mentioned in this document, or in any part of it or of its rights, by any  [person at all, this seller must hand over]  

  26. everything that is incumbent upon him and is obligatory for him by way of the  return of a price, the vouching for a value and the handing over of whatever is  necessary, few or many. (He is responsible) until he hands that over to this buyer [ …]  

  27. and he acknowledges that he is solvent to the amount for which he stood  warranty. This buyer accepted from this seller all that, with a valid acceptance.  The acknowledgement by the seller [and the buyer of all that is contained in it]  was witnessed [after it had been read to them and they acknowledged that they  understood it]  

  28. word for word, while they both were in sound health, legally capable of  conducting their affairs and acting willingly. This was on the sixth day of Ṣafar,  in the year [four hundred] and ninety-eight.  

  29. This seller acknowledged that in all this aforementioned price ..... [ … ]  

  30. the correction has been added to the written word lahu, humā (in the dual) being the correct form. This was witnessed on its date.  

Witness Clauses 

  1. Al-Ḥasan ibn al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī al- Anṣārī [ …]  testified  

  2. to the acknowledgement [by the seller and the buyer of what is in it on its date.]  


  1. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ibn Ṭāhir ibn Ismaʿīl [ ] testified to the acknowledgement by the seller and the buyer of what is in it. He testified on its date. It is valid. 

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  • T-S Misc.29.23: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact