Legal document: T-S Ar.38.56

Legal document T-S Ar.38.56

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Recto: Court record in Arabic script. Location: Ibwān, al-Ashmūnayn. Dated: First decade of Ramaḍān 495 AH, which is June 1102 CE. Settlement between Durrī b. ʿAskar al-Qarītī and his wife Maghribiyya the freedwoman of Yaḥyā regarding the ownership of domestic animals. In the document it is stated that a red cow and its female offspring belong to Maghribiyya and her daughter Taʿīsh, a black cow and its male offspring belong to Maghribiyya alone, and that 25 white sheep and their followers are shared between Durrī b. ʿAskar al-Qarīṭī and his wife. The record is witnessed and signed by Naṣr b. Badr al-Salūlī, Jawwāb b. Naṣr al-Salūlī, Zaydūn b. Mahdī al-Salūlī, Rikāb b. Jawhar al-Salūlī, Futūḥ b. Qāsim and Sughlūl b. Mahdī. (Information from Khan, CUDL, and Goitein's index card.)


T-S Ar.38.56 1r

Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).


  1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

  2. لما كان فى العشر الأول من شهر رمضان سنة خمس وتسعين واربع ماية حضر درى بن

  3. {بن} عسكر القريطى وزوجته مغربية مولاة يحيى فى الضيعة المعروفة بابوان من اعمال مدينة

  4. الاشمونين وجرى بينهما خطوب طال شرحها استقر اخرها على ان البقرة 

  5. الىفىا (؟) الحمرا وبنتها شركة بينها وبين بنتها تعيش ليس لدرى بن عسكر

  6. فيها شي مل ولاخل ولا شركة فيهما ولا مخالطة وان البقرة السودا وابنها 

  7. لزوجته مغربية مولاة يحيى مال من مالها تتحكم فيهما [ تحكم الملاك في املاكهم ليس لها

  8. فيهما شريك ولا مخالط وان الخمسة وعشرين رأس غنم بياض واتباعهم شركة 

  9. بین دری بن عسكر وزوجته مغربية المسماة معه في باطن هذا الكتاب نصفين 

  10. بالسوية باى وقت ارادوا القسمة كان ذلك بايديهم على الفريضة نصفين بالسوية 

  11. وبذلك اقروا واشهدوا على انهما في صحة منهما وجواز امرهما طائعين غير 

  12. مكرهين وذلك فى التاريخ المذكور شهد على ذلك

Recto - witness 1

  1. شهد نصر بن بدر السلولي بجميع

  2. ما نص وشرح فيه وكتب عنه

  3. بامره ومحضره

Recto - witnesses 1 and 2

  1. شهد جرير بن بدر السلولي بجميع ما 
  2. نص وشرح فيه وكتب عنه بامره ومحضره
  3. شهد جواب بن نصر السلولي بجميع 
  4. ما نص وشرح فيه وكتب عنه بامره ومحضره

Recto - witnesses 4, 5, 6 and 7

  1. شهد زيدون بن مهدى السلولى بجميع ما نص وشرح فيه وكتب عنه بامره ومحضره 
  2. شهد ركاب بن جوهر السلولى بجميع ما نص وشرح فيه وكتب عنه بامره ومحضره
  3. شهد فتوح بن قاسم بجميع ما نص وشرح فيه وكتب عنه بامره ومحضره 
  4. شهد سغلول بن مهدى بجميع ما نص وشرح فيه وكتب عنه بامره ومحضره
Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).
  1. In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate.  

  2. In the first ten days of the month of Ramaḍān, in the year four-hundred and  ninety-five, Durrī  

  3. ibn Askar al-Qarīṭī and his wife Maghribiyya, the freedwoman of Yaḥyā, in the estate known as Ibwān belonging to the province of the town of  

  4. al-Ushmūnayn, were present and negotiations took place between them that are  too long to relate but whose outcome was that the  

  5.  ...... red cow and its female offspring would be shared in a partnership between her and her daughter Taʿīsh,Durrī ibn ʿAskar  

  6. having no share in it, large or small, nor any partnership in respect of them, nor any association; and that the black cow and its male offspring  

  7. belonged to his wife Maghribiyya, the feedwoman of Yaḥyā, as part of her property, she being free to act with regard to them as owners act with regard to  their property and not having  

  8. any partner or associate with respect to them; and that the twenty-five white  sheep, and their followers, are held in partnership  

  9. between Durrī ibn ʿAskar and his wife Maghribiyya, named together with him on the recto of this document, in equal shares.  

  10. Whenever they want a division (of the sheep), they will carry that out  themselves, adhering to the requirement that it be into two equal halves.

  11. They acknowledged this and called witnesses to testify that they were in sound health, that their actions were legal and that they were acting willingly, not  

  12. forced. This took place on the aforementioned date. This was witnessed.  


Witness Clauses 

  1. Naṣr ibn Badr al-Salūlī testified to all that  

  2. has been stipulated and detailed herein. This has been written on his behalf,  

  3. by his instruction and in his presence.  

  4. Jarīr ibn Badr al-Salūlī testified to all that  

  5. has been stipulated and detailed herein. This has been written on his behalf, by his  instruction and in his presence.  

  6. Jawwāb ibn Naṣr al-Salūlī testified to all that  

  7. has been stipulated and detailed herein. This has been written on his behalf, by his  instruction and in his presence.

  8. Zaydūn ibn Mahdī al-Salūlī testified to all that has been stipulated and detailed  herein. This has been written on his behalf, by his instruction and in his presence.  

  9. Rikāb ibn Jawhar al-Salūlī testified to all that has been stipulated and detailed  herein. This has been written on his behalf, by his instruction and in his presence. 

  10. Futūḥ ibn Qāsim testified to all that has been stipulated and detailed herein. This  has been written on his behalf, by his instruction and in his presence.  

  11. Sughlūl ibn Mahdī testified to all that has been stipulated and detailed herein. This has been written on his behalf, by his instruction and in his presence.  


T-S Ar.38.56 1v

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