Letter: ENA NS 7.46

Letter ENA NS 7.46

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Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment: right side only. Dating: Possibly first half of the 12th century, based on the reference to the merchant Yiṣḥaq al-Nafūsī (see Friedman, India Traders, p. 258, n. 1). The sender seems upset about the quality of a certain item that he bought from Yiṣḥaq. There is a matter of a deposit involving Khulayf b. Hārūn. He asks for news of Abū l-Ḥasan (and collection of the gold owed by him). The sender has sent a mat (? ḥaṣīr) with Ibn al-Dawāniqī. Regards to Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAllān, Khallūf al-Nafūsī, and Yiṣḥaq al-Nafūsī. ENA NS 7.46 (PGPID 34153) and ENA NS 16.26 (PGPID 11713) may be in the same handwriting.


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  • ENA NS 7.46: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL) CC-Zero / Public Domain