State document: T-S C2.209 + ENA 4045.2 + JRL SERIES B 5446 + T-S F13.1 + T-S 13.20 + ENA 3751.5
State document T-S C2.209 + ENA 4045.2 + JRL SERIES B 5446 + T-S F13.1 + T-S 13.20 + ENA 3751.5What's in the PGP
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- 1 Translation
Original use: State decree from the Fatimid chancery, written under al-Ḥākim, al-Ẓāhir or al-Mustanṣir to an official in Egypt regarding a dispute over irrigation canals and access to water — insofar as one can judge. Only the left half of the lines are preserved. About 1.3 meters of what was once a much longer decree. The joins of the decree fragment when pieced together refer to the need of restoring the area surrounding the gulf/bay - 'li ḥāja dāʿiya ilā ʿimārat al-khuluj' and the allotment of irrigation from these canals: 'aqsaṭ min al-rī min hādhihi l-khuluj. Verso: Efrayim b. Shemarya uses and reworks passages from the Sheʾiltot for a sermon. Top of the rotulus is headed Shabbat Bereishit (see separate record). Join: Roni Shweka (bottom six fragments) and Rebecca Sebbagh (top fragment). Before 1055. See also Mosseri VI.117.2, which may belong to the left side of this decree. (MR)
Translator: Rustow, Marina (in English)
ENA 4045.2 1

ENA 4045.2 2

Combined reading from all fragments. Lost Archive, p. 397
their signatures validated it... fifty dīnārs... except for the amount of the officials .... their extraction and expenditure... for the needs of calling for the construction of canals ... [di]srepair of the estate/village and its ... [Therfore the command]er of the faithful has ordered the writing of this decree... all... allotment of irrigation from these canals.
JRL SERIES B 5446 1 / 1 leaf, recto

JRL SERIES B 5446 1 / 1 leaf, verso

ENA 3751.5 1

ENA 3751.5 2