Legal document: PUL Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 584e.9 (Michaelides 9)

Legal document PUL Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 584e.9 (Michaelides 9)


Recto: Legal document in Arabic. Dated: 20 Muḥarram 808 AH = 18 July 1405 CE. Involves Sayf al-Dīn Beğ b. ʿAbdallāh al-Tājir, a woman named Fāṭima, and an itemized list of the inheritance left to her by her husband. Also another woman whose name appears in the first line after the basmala (كرل؟ - the word before al-marʾa). Verso: Not photographed? (Previously catalogued as another Arabic legal record of testimony.) Needs examination. NB: Michaelides 9 probably corresponds to image #40 at