Letter: T-S NS 175.30

Letter T-S NS 175.30


Letter from Shelomo b. David Solal (Salmūn b. Dāʾūd) addressed to a certain Avraham. In Hebrew, in a late hand (ca. 17th century?). The sender may be the same as the Shelomo Solal mentioned in T-S 10J16.30, which looks like it comes from approximately the same period. Shelomo signs at the bottom left of recto, and his name appears in both Arabic and Hebrew script in the stamped seal on verso (in addition to a few other phrases). Catalogued as a letter of recommendation on FGP, but in fact it seems to be an official letter concerning a legal case involving Shemuel מהנה(?) who went to Egypt and sued the late Elʿazar. Needs further examination for the details.