List or table: T-S Ar.52.214
List or table T-S Ar.52.214What's in the PGP
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Accounts of a book dealer. Written in a mixture of Arabic script and Hebrew script. Dated: Ḥeshvan 1556 Seleucid, which is October 1244 CE. Including Arabic, Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew titles, such as איוב נץ מחקק לרב סעדיה ולאבן גקטלה. Each entry gives the name of a person (ʿinda l-Rashīd Abū l-Faḍl... ʿinda Amīn al-Dawla Abū l-Barakāt b. ʿAmmār wa-sharīkih... ʿinda l-Rashīd Abū l-Faḍl b. Abū l-Fakhr(?) al-ʿAṭṭār...ʿinda l-Shaykh Abū l-Ḥasan b. Nājī al-[...]... ʿinda l-Shaykh Yiṣḥaq al-Kohen al-Ṣabbāgh...). In some cases the books are listed as pawned (رهن على...).