Letter: T-S AS 153.235 + T-S AS 216.214
Letter T-S AS 153.235 + T-S AS 216.214What's in the PGP
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Letter from Yefet b. Menashshe Ibn al-Qaṭāʾif to his brother Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions: the cantor Elʿazar b. Yakhin; someone who went up to Cairo (? it looks more like אלקאנה, but unclear what place that would be) and took his merchandise; a request for confirmation of receipt of something or arrival of someone; a place or house ("may it be sustained with the life of her/his parents"); someone who said he wouldn't tarry and that he would come back quickly; that he has with him a cotton shuqqa; something that was sent with Nuṣayr; and a complaint that "such is my lot from everybody, God help me" (cf. T-S NS J386 with a similar complaint). On verso there are some mirror-image lines from an unrelated neighboring fragment. (Information in part from CUDL.) AA/ASE. Join: Alan Elbaum
T-S AS 153.235 1r

T-S AS 153.235 1v