Letter: T-S 10J13.11
Letter T-S 10J13.11What's in the PGP
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Letter from Avraham b. Natan in Tyre to Nahray b. Nissim. Dating: ca. 1090–93. During these years, Avraham b. Natan had to flee Tyre due to Munir al-Dawla's revolt. It was during these years that Avraham b. Natan tried to establish his position in Alexandria and al-Mahalla, an attempt reflected in this letter. On Avraham b. Natan's residence in Alexandria see M. Gil, 'Scroll of Evyatar,' p. 89 lines 29-30. See also Goitein, Med. Soc. Vol. 5, p. 596 no. 19. (Information from Frenkel).
Editor: Frenkel, Miriam
T-S 10J13.11 1r

Miriam Frenkel, The Compassionate and Benevolent: The Leading Elite in the Jewish Community of Alexandria in the Middle Ages (in Hebrew) (Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East, 2006).
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- במנוי: המינוי בא כנראה מידיו של הנשיא דוד בן דניאל.
- אטראף: שערוב של המילה העברית 'טרפות'.
T-S 10J13.11 1v