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4939 نتائج
  1. 551قائمة/جدولMIAC 288

    Account statements – 1943-1944CE – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 288) – in Arabic.


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  2. 552قائمة/جدولMIAC 289

    Account statement – 1946CE – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 289) – in Arabic.


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  3. 553قائمة/جدولMIAC 172

    Account statement – undated – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 172) – in Hebrew.


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  4. 554وثيقة رسميّةHalper 481

    Fiscal account, probably a tax receipt, beginning with the waṣala ilā bayt al-māl al-maʿmūr, probably a receipt of delivery to the bayt al-māl.


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  5. 555قائمة/جدولT-S Ar.54.15b

    Private account of Barhun b. Yishaq ha-Tahirti. Around 1050.

    recto - left side

    1. אלבאקי עלי מולאי אלשיך אבי אלכיר בעד

    2. אלמחאסבה תקכו ותלתיי וקיר וען צרף ק דינ מה שאמיה מדורה דינ>

    3. וען יד דינ ותלת אטראבלסיה ...


    1 نسخ 1 مناقشة

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  6. 556رسالةT-S AS 116.360

    Small fragment of a commercial letter or account in Arabic, referring to a debt and mentioning the name Abū Manṣūr.

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  7. 557قائمة/جدولT-S NS 297.273

    Account in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.

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  8. 558قائمة/جدولT-S NS 243.29

    Jotting of an account in Arabic script. Gives the date (but not the year), the name ʿAlī b.

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  9. 559قائمة/جدولBodl. MS heb. b 11/5

    Account draft of the Qodesh, written in Arabic characters apparently by Yefet b. […] Several additional revenue items and debts are listed. The account ended on 30 August 1041. For the recto, see PGPID 517.

    1.              ]على موجب المشروح من
    2.           اثن]ين وثلثين واربعماية
    3.             ا]لعين تسعه عشر دينار ونصف قيراط
    4. ومن الورق الف واحده وماتين واحدى ...
  10. To be deducted: 8 dir., being an error in the account of the apartments
  11. in Dār al-Ḥaffār for the year 432.
  12. The remainder is then 358¾.
  13. العلامات

    1 نسخ 1 ترجمة

    • 5 verso
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  14. 560قائمة/جدولBodl. MS heb. e 98/64–65

    Account of goods sent by Nahray b. Nissim to Abu Ishaq Barhun b. […] Dating: (4)806 A.M. (1045-1046 CE). It begins with an account of the balance of what remained from the previous year, and then summarizes Nahray's business activities and the shipments he sent to Abu Ishaq in the last two years, including goods like pearls, beads, clothes, and fabrics.

     65 Recto

    1. בסם אללה אלעצ'ים הדא אלחסאב אלדי רפעתה אלי מולאי אבי
    2. אסחק ברהון בן אסחק ז'צ'ל' פי סנה ת'ת'ו' מע אלמראכב 
    3.                     שרח בקיה חס...


    3 نسخ 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة

    • 65 recto
    • 64 recto
    • 64 verso
    عرض تفاصيل المستند
  15. 561رسالةT-S NS 321.36

    Dating: Probably not long after 1470 CE, and certainly no later than 1570 CE; in the course of reprimanding the addressee(s) for stirring up baseless hatred and communal strife, the sender notes that the first temple lay in ruins for only 70 years on account of idol worship, fornication, and murder, while the second temple has lain in ruins for "1,400 years and change" on account of baseless hatred (sinʾat ḥinam).


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  16. 562قائمة/جدولT-S NS J230

    Account of the Qodesh: building expenditures, ca. 1040. A badly damaged fragment of an account written by Yefet b. David b. Shekhanya. Work done at Dar al-Barqi is mentioned, and various payments for water, bricks, clay, lime, pillars, gypsum; also, repairs of doors and windows.


    1. [ ]כרא [
    2. [ ] דאר אל[ ]מאד[
    3. ]תקדם ללסקאין [ ] ונצף' דר' [
    4. ]תחווצה ונקל אלטוב כמסה' דר' [
    5. ]אלברקי רקאץ יום ורקאצין יום סבעה [
    6. ]ואגרה רקאץ רגבל...

    1. … rent…

    2.  .... compound .. 

    3.  …to the water carriers … and half a dir…

    4.  …its sewer, and transportation of bricks, 5 dir. ... 

    5.  .... (Dār)...


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  17. 563قائمة/جدولT-S J2.63

    Account for Nisan and Iyyar 1493 sel. ca. 1182. The usual items for accounts from Abu'l-Bayan are included in this one. […] The second part of the account contains a list of ordinary expenditures which total 385.75 dirhams. A third part lists additional revenue and charges, At the same time, Ab'l-Bayan presents a further account, for two later months. The total revenue of these two additional months, a sum of 533 dirhams, is added to the balance of the former ones, then the total expenditures of the two additional months, a sum of 427.75 dirhams, is deducted, and so are his collection fees, which come to 60 dirhams.

    verso, left column

    1. חסאב אבו אלביאן אלגאבי לשהרין והמא די אלקעדה
    2. ודי אלחגה דאר אלנגיד לו סכן בן אלחזן יח
    3. אלברג גח דאר אלצבאג לח בן יונה יד
    4. דאר סת ג...

    Verso main region, left side

    1. The accounting of Abūʾl-Bayān al-Jābī for two months namely, Dhūʾl-qaʿda
    2. and Dhūʾl-ḥijja: Dār al-Nāgīd, 36.


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  18. 564قائمة/جدولT-S Ar.51.144

    Account of revenue from rent ca. October 1201. A double leaf of a notebook, of which only the upper part is preserved. It was originally an account of both revenue and expenditures, but only a few items are preserved of the latter. Its first part contains revenue for the month of Marheshwan, followed by that for Kislev. The account contains 27 names of inhabited apartments belonging to to 15 compounds, inclusive of the funduq.

    verso, left column

    1. תצקיע אלמסכון לחדש
    2. מרחשון והו מחרם סנה חצ
    3. אלמסטאח י>
    4. דאר אלברג בקא בן מחפוט ב
    5. זוגה ופא ב
    6. אבנה ברכה בן נפיע [ ]
    7. דאר אלנגיד ז
    8. אבו...

    Column c (recto, left side)

    1. Total accounting of the occupied
    2. And the vacant (apartments), 555½.
    3. The accounting of the inhabited,
    4. 269.


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  19. 565قائمة/جدولT-S AS 202.414

    Account, possibly a list of debtors. Mentions names such as R.


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  20. 566قائمة/جدولT-S AS 134.50

    List of items or account in Judaeo-Arabic with quantities underneath, mostly medical substances, foods, and spices (e.g., oil, eggs, saffron, caraway, chicory, lac, chard, colocasia, spinach).

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  21. 567رسالةYevr. II A 1730

    On the back of the page account in Arabic ot Ottoman Turkish and some words in Russian.


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  22. 568قائمة/جدولT-S NS 297.231

    Brief account in Arabic script, possibly concerning amounts owed by Maḥfūẓ.

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  23. 569قائمة/جدولT-S AS 147.229

    Small fragment from a commercial letter or account. The term maṣabbāt (something to do with metal casting) appears twice.


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  24. 570قائمة/جدولENA NS 77.209

    Account of collections and distribution ('alladhi tahsul... alladhi yufarri[q]'), with the name of '[our] lord],' probably the head of the Jews, on verso.

    1. אלשיך אבו אלחסן אל.[
    2. סיד כל בן זביבא
    3. מסלם קריב אלש[יך
    4. אבו אלסרג בן גא..[
    5. הבה ב[ן אבו? ...
    6. דר]הם ונצף ורבע
    7. .דרה]ם ונצף
    8. ...]גזי נצף
    9. ...]. דרא'
    10. ...ד]...


    1 نسخ

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  25. 571وثيقة رسميّةMoss. VIII,339.1

    Fiscal account, possibly Mamlūk-era. Mentions the names of several amīrs, including Ṣuʿlūk b.


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  26. 572نصوص أدبيّةENA 2627.81

    On ENA 2627.81 there are also some account in a different hand mentioning Elazar Yehudi.


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  27. 573نصوص أدبيّةENA 2627.82

    On ENA 2627.81 there are also some account in a different hand mentioning Elazar Yehudi.


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  28. 574قائمة/جدولT-S AS 184.160

    Account, unclear if private or official. Written on a tall, very narrow sheet of paper, which became standard practice around the Ayyubid period.

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  29. 575قائمة/جدولMoss. Xa,3.28

    Recto: Account in Arabic script with quantities of dinars expressed in words.

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  30. 576قائمة/جدولMoss. Xa,3.4

    Account mentioning something currently with (ʿinda) Sulaymān, whose name is also repeated further down.

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  31. 577وثيقة رسميّةBL OR 10599.26

    Document with a few lines of Arabic script on each side. Probably a fiscal account. Mentions 200 dinars on verso, and possibly a dīwān.

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  32. 578قائمة/جدولJRL Gaster ar. 235

    Account or official document in Arabic script. Headed with the name Bū l-Ṭāhir, then begins with the word قبض.

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  33. 579رسالةT-S Misc.36.176

    In Hebrew. Contains a rich account of communal controversy and highly unflattering descriptions of Eliyyahu the Judge.


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  34. 580قائمة/جدولT-S 6J1.12

    Verso: Account of communal expenditures. Date seems to be al-Muharram.

    1. אלדי אנפק מן מסתכרג אלמחרם?
    2. אלאהוב ג
    3. בן אלמטרי א ½
    4. בן אלמעלם אלמליגי א ½
    5. עבדאללה אלדי פי אלעראקיין ב
    6. אבו אלחסן אבן אבו אלרכב א ½
    7. אבו סעד אלחזן בן ...


    1 نسخ

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  35. 581قائمة/جدولT-S AS 185.303

    Recto: List of names in Judaeo-Arabic with sums of money (all listed as "nuṣf" except for one listed as 1 dinar), perhaps a donations list. Verso: An account in Judaeo-Arabic (different hand than recto).

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  36. 582قائمة/جدولT-S AS 153.117

    Pages from an account book (numbered 17-20), mentioning Bar Ṣedaqa ha-Levi, Muḥammad al-Ḡazāwī, Abraham Shalom and ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Ḡazāwī and the Islamic month names Rajab, Shaʿbān, Ramaḍān, Shawwāl and Ḏū l-Qaʿda.


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  37. 583قائمة/جدولT-S NS 325.181a

    On recto an account in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.

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  38. 584وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 176.173

    Ikhshīdid fiscal account. See tag for similar documents. This one mentions the year 329 AH = 940/41 CE and the year 331 AH = 941/42 CE.


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  39. 585قائمة/جدولYevr. IV 217

    Account book. In Ladino and at least one other language (Greek?


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  40. 586قائمة/جدولBodl. MS heb. c 50/14

    Account of building operations ca. 1215. A list of expenditures made at Dar b.


    1. אלמצרוף פ[י] דאר בן פינחס
    2. בתאריך יום אלה אלסאדס
    3. מן מרחשון קכ''ז לשטרות
    4. עתלה וזאן גיר חמולה
    5. ¼        ½            ½1 
    6. סכן  גדא   אסאפין // סל...


    1. Spent in Dār b. Pinḥas
    2. on the date of Thursday, the 6th
    3. of Marheshwan, 127 of the documents:
    4. (4-5): a crowbar, ¼. The weigher of the lime, ½...


    2 نسخين 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة

    • 14 recto
    • 14 verso
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  41. 587قائمة/جدولMIAC 215

    Account of contributions to the community – undated – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 215) – in Arabic.


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  42. 588وثيقة رسميّةMoss. Xa,3.2

    Recto: fiscal account in a Fatimid chancery hand, including amounts in dīnārs and mentioning something al-mubārak ilā mawlāy.

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  43. 589قائمة/جدولT-S AS 207.12

    List in a mixture of Judaeo-Arabic and Ladino, perhaps an inventory or account calculations. 16th-century or later based on the paleography.


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  44. 590قائمة/جدولT-S AS 224.32

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic on recto and verso. Dating is 16th-century or later based on the paleography. A few names appear in the account entries on the verso: Menaḥem Zalmānī[?] and Yiṣḥaq ___[?].


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  45. 591قائمة/جدولT-S AS 177.160

    Business account. Dating: Probably Mamluk-era (the precise date is given at the bottom, 25 Ramaḍān of year that is difficult to read).

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  46. 592قائمة/جدولT-S Misc.22.306

    Large account in Arabic script. Unclear for what. Sums of money are listed together with months of the year.

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  47. 593قائمة/جدولENA 967.1

    Mercantile accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, very detailed. On parchment. […] "I have sent you the account of the goods that I shipped on the boats . . ."


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  48. 594نوع غير معروفYevr.-Arab. II 1497

    The document contains a blow-by-blow account of what various messengers said about the ripening of the barley crop and what ensued.


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  49. 595قائمة/جدولT-S Ar.30.179

    Private account by Barhūn b. Mūsā and Barhūn b. Ṣāliḥ ha-Tahirti.

    verso - left side

    1. ומא קבצת מן עבד בן בשר בקית חסאב דאוד

    2. סג דינ ונצף ותמן       לה מן דלך מא וגהו לי לבוציר

    3. כ דינ אלא קירטין      ואגב אלאעדאל...


    1 نسخ

    • 1r
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  50. 596قائمة/جدولT-S Ar.51.87

    Private account written by Nahray b. Nissim. Around 1060.

    recto, right column

    1. בסם אללה אל[רחמן אלרחים 
    2. שרח שרא מולאי אלש[יך 
    3. בן אברהים בן עלאן אדאם אללה ע[זה 
    4. עבדאללה אלבוצירי מ' רטל וסך אלתמן דינ אלא //ק...

    recto, right column

    1. בשם אלוהים הרחמן הרחום. 
    2. פירוט הקניות של אדוני ורבי…
    3. בן אִבּרָהים בן עלאן, יתמיד אלוהים את גדולתו
    4. עבדאללה אלבוצירי, מ' רטלים ב...


    1 نسخ 1 ترجمة

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  51. 597قائمة/جدولT-S Ar.30.28

    Account recording the receipt of various consignments of dates measured in wayba and irdabb.


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  52. 598قائمة/جدولENA 3952.7

    Business account in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.

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    • recto
    • verso
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  53. 599رسالةT-S AS 150.155

    Mentions: "...the brothers... in a great rage on account of... because the judge (shofeṭ)... all of the capitation taxes... prayers from the old woman...

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  54. 600قائمة/جدولT-S K15.110

    Account of revenue from rent, ca. 1165. Written by Judge Hiyya b.

    recto, column I

    1. אלדאר אלמערופה בסלם אבו אלרצא
    2. י''ו וצף
    3. אלדאר אלמערופה בבן אלמודב ב'
    4. תמן דאר ר' ישועה א' ורבע
    5. אלברג שרכה סאלם י''ז
    6. דאר אלזית ז'
    7. רבע...

    Region I, left side

    1. (1-2) The compound known as the apartment of Abūʾl-Riḍā, 16½.
    2. The compound known as (of) b. al-Muʾaddib, 2.
    3. An eighth of Dā...


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