ثيقة شرعيّة: T-S 8J5.4
ثيقة شرعيّة T-S 8J5.4What's in the PGP
- صورة
- 2 Transcriptions
- 1 Translation
Court notebook in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi. Fol. 2r, bottom text block: Outline of an employment agreement. Dated: Tuesday, 17 Tammuz 1438 Seleucid = 28 June 1127 CE. This document records a qinyan between Avraham b. Aharon ha-Kohen and Isḥāq b. Saʿīd in which Isḥāq agrees to work for Avraham to repay a debt of an unspecified amount. Isḥāq is to be compensated the fixed wage of 2 dirhams a day, with half a dirham going towards repayment of the loan. If Isḥāq leaves before the debt is fully repaid, his compensation is to be retroactively reduced to 1.5 dirhams a day, and he must still repay the debt; and if Avraham terminates him before the debt is fully repaid, his compensation is to be retroactively raised to 2.5 dirhams a day. As the two work together for a longer period, the incentive for each not to terminate the relationship increases. (Information from Lieberman, "A Partnership Culture," 181.) See also detailed translation and commentary in Goitein's attached notes.
Editor: Ackerman-Lieberman, Phillip
Translator: Ackerman-Lieberman, Phillip (in English)
T-S 8J5.4 2r

- אברהם הכהן ביר אהרן נע
- ואגירה אסחק בן סעיד אסתקר בינהמא
- אן יעוד אלדין אלדי לאברהם הכהן דנן עלי אגירה
- אסחק דנן נצף דרהם כל יום ואנה יעמל ענדה
- אלי אן יופיה מא עליה בדרהמין כל יום פי אלכסאד
- ופי אלמעישה ואן הו כרג מן ענדה קבל אן יופיה
- ואלתמס קטאעה פי איאם אלמעישה כאן אגרתה
- [דרהם] ונצף כל יום ולה אלרבוע עליה פי אלבאקי
- ואן אכרגה אברהם דנן באכתיארה קבל אן יסתופי דינה
- כאן לה אלאחסאב באגרתה דרהמין ונצף כל יום
- ואקני מנהמא עלי דלך יום אלתלתא אליז מן תמוז אתלח
- Abraham ha-Kohen b. Aaron (who) r(ests in) E(den)
- and his employee Isḥaq b. Sa‘īd established between the two of them
- that debt would be repaid which was owed this Abraham ha-Kohen by his employee,
- this Isḥaq, half a dirham each day; and that he would work for him
- until he pays what he owes, in return for two dirhams each day, in dull business conditions
- or active. If he leaves before paying in full
- and requests his portion for the days (for which he is due) maintenance, his wage (will be)
- a dirham and a half each day; and he (Abraham) is (still) entitled to the quarter(-dirhams) owed by him (Isḥaq) for the remainder.
- (Similarly,) if this Abraham evicts him in accordance with his will before his debt has been repaid,
- he is entitled to the amount at the rate of two dinars and a half each day.
- A qinyan was performed with each of them this Tuesday, the 17th of Tammuz 1438.
T-S 8J5.4 2v

T-S 8J5.4 1r

T-S 8J5.4 1v