قائمة/جدول: T-S Misc.8.72
قائمة/جدول T-S Misc.8.72What's in the PGP
- صورة
Genealogical list, probably written by Yedutun Halevi (late 12th to early 13th century), the cantor of the Palestinian congregation. Details about the family of Salīm al-Ghazūlī the Levi. Perhaps for the purpose of dividing an inheritance. The wife of Salīm's son Yūsuf is the daughter of Ṭāhir the Deaf, the beadle of Dammūh. Information in part from Goitein's note card. Same cluster: T-S Ar.6.28 (PGPID 1278), ENA 2592.24 (PGPID 12808), T-S K15.46 (PGPID 23221), and T-S Misc.8.72 (PGPID 8337). ASE
النصوص المفرّغة
T-S Misc.8.72 1r

T-S Misc.8.72 1v