قائمة/جدول: T-S Ar.54.45

قائمة/جدول T-S Ar.54.45



Account of the Qodesh: revenue from rent, ca. probably 1043. This record written by Yefet b. David b. Shekhanya still refers to "the four months" mentioned in T-S 20.168, and seems therefore to be a continuation of it. It refers mainly to the collection of the arrears that were enumerated in the former part. (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 195 #23.) See also Goitein's note card.

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النصوص المفرّغة


Moshe Gil, Documents of the Jewish Pious Foundations from the Cairo Geniza (Leiden: Brill, 1976).


  1. In Thy Name, oh Merciful! The list of what was collected of the arrears: 

  2. Suhayl, 4 months, 40 dir. 

  3. The sister of Sahlān, 3 (months), 15 dir. 

  4. Ben al-Qārā, for Jumādā, 4 (dir.) and for 4 

  5. months, 20 dir. 

  6. (6-7) ʿAli, for 4 1/2 months, 22 dir. Yuʿlā, 

  8. (8-9) for 3 1/2 months, 10 1⁄2 dir.; there remains ½ + 1/8 ….

  10. Muḥāṣar, 4 months…. 

  11. To his credit, 10 dir. ʿĪsā .... 

  12. and 4 1⁄2. Taʾūs …. 

  13. 4 months, 12 (dir.) ....

  14. .... to her credit, and a balance of 2 dir..... 

  15. The khuṣṣ, 3 months, 7 1/2. 

  16. (16-17) There remains the money for the big room, 1 month and 6 days ….

  18. The big room, for 3 months….

  19. to her credit, 10 1/2, to …. 

  20. 4 months …. 

  21. Wahbān, for 3 months ….

  22. Al-Baʿlbakī, for 4 months ….

  23. 2 dir., 10 dir. .... 

  24. Abū Naṣr, for 4 months .... 

  25. dir., 10 .... 

  26. Ibn Sulaymān, a month .... 

  27. 2 months. 

  28. The room of b. Nehemiah, 3 months, 

  29. 10 dir. 

  30. Jacob's mother, 4 months, 

  31. 10 dir. .... 

  32. 4 months ….

  33. Shabbāt, 4 months ….

  34. The Kohen's daughter, 3 months …. 

  35. and 1/2 .... 

  36. 11 .... 

  37. 6 .... 


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