ثيقة شرعيّة: T-S Ar.41.65
ثيقة شرعيّة T-S Ar.41.65What's in the PGP
- صورة
- 1 Transcription
- 1 Translation
Power of attorney. Sāliḥ b. Yūsuf, a Sicilian Jew, gives power of attorney to another Jew in a qadi court. Dating: ca. 1102 CE, as the same Ṣāliḥ also appears in T-S NS J95a. On verso there is Hebrew literary text. (Information in part from Goitein’s index card and Khan.)
Editor: Khan, Geoffrey
Translator: Khan, Geoffrey (in English)
T-S Ar.41.65 1v
![1v 1v](https://images.lib.cam.ac.uk/iiif/MS-TS-AR-00041-00065-000-00002.jp2/full/500,/0/default.jpg)
Top Verso
[الحمـ]ـد لله و [حـ]ـده وصلواته على [سيدنا محمد نبيه واله وسلم تسليما]
حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
Bottom Verso
نسخة كتاب الوكالة
المذكور ثبوته كهيته
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وصلى الله على نبيه محمد واله وسلم تسلـــ[ـــيما]
هذا كتاب وكالة الصالح بن يوسف اليهودي الصقلـــ[ــي]...[ ]
اليهودي و اقرا له بجميع ما فيه و اشهدا له عـــ[ـــلـــ]ــى [انفسهما ]
عليه شهوده طوعا صحة منـــ[ـــهـــ]ـم وجواز امر حقا . [ ]
عنه في طلب حقوقه الواجبة له حيث كانت وحيث ٮكـــ[ ]
[ ]ــا و عند من كانت من كاقة النـــ[ـــاس ]
[ ] بيع جميع ما ...[ ]
Top Verso
- Praise be to God alone and his blessings be upon [our lord Muḥammad, his prophet, and his family and save them.]
- Our sufficiency is God. What a fine keeper is he!
Bottom Verso
- Copy of the power of attorney,
- whose registration was mentioned, in its (complete) form:
- In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate. God bless his prophet, Muḥammad, and his family and save them.
- This is a power of attorney for Ṣāliḥ ibn Yiisuf, the Sicilian Jew, .... [ ]
- the Jew, and they both acknowledged for him everything herein and called people to be their witnesses [. ]
- ... its (the document's) witnesses, willingly, .in sound health and their acts being legal, a [ ] right [ ]
- on his behalf, claiming the rights due to him, wherever they are, wherever they [ ]
- [ ] and with whomsoever of all the people they are [ ]
- [ ] the sale of everything that ... [ ]
T-S Ar.41.65 1r
![1r 1r](https://images.lib.cam.ac.uk/iiif/MS-TS-AR-00041-00065-000-00001.jp2/full/500,/0/default.jpg)