ثيقة شرعيّة: T-S Ar.38.119

ثيقة شرعيّة T-S Ar.38.119



Deed of rental. Dated: 531 AH, which is 1136/37 CE. ʿAlī b. Ḥassān b. Maʿālī al-Tarābulusī rents a small garden house on the Nile from the shaykh Abu l-Ḥusayn Saʿīd b. Manṣūr, one of the mutawallīn al-jawāmiʿ wa-l-masājid al-maʿmūra (superintendent of government mosques) for the duration of 4 years, 8 or 8 ¼ dinars per year.

T-S Ar.38.119 1v


النصوص المفرّغة


Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).
  1. In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate. Praise be to God alone  [ ]  

  2. This is what ʿAlī ibn Ḥassān ibn Maʿālī al-Tarābulusī, the sewer of skins, who on  this day is a middle-aged man, pure reddy-brown in complexion,  

  3. with a smooth forehead, in which there are some wrinkles, with light hair  between the eyebrows, with dark brown eyes, a hooked nosed, a round beard and with the top right incisor missing,  

  4. leased from the elder Thiqat al-Mulk Ṣanīʿat al-Dawla Abū al-Ḥusayn Saʿīd ibn Manṣūr,

  5. one of the supervisors of the office of prosperous Friday and neighbourhood  mosques. He leased from him, with one clapping of the hands and one contract, 

  6. all of the small house within the garden known by (the name of) Zaytūn, which  was itself excluded from this lease,  

  7. in Fusṭāṭ - Miṣr, in Birkat Ramīs, adjoining Kawm Dīnār, (Kawm) al-Mashānīq,  

  8. the shore of the blessed Nile and various (other) places. It is the small house within the garden,  

  9. with a door with an arched vault, a corridor, a lower courtyard, a living room with a fountain in the middle,  

  10. with upper apartments, together with amenities and rights. This is well know in the area and can be easily identified,  

  11. its full description and definition herein being, therefore, superfluous, (this small house), all of which the elder Thiqat al-Mulk Ṣanīʿat  al-Dawla, this lessor, stated  

  12. belonged to him and was in his ownership, as a valid asset and an established  right with legal force, in his possession, it being  

  13. free, without encumbrance. (He leased it) for a period of four complete,  consecutive years, the beginning, of which is the first day  

  14. of Dhū al-Qaʿda of the year five-hundred and thirty-one and its end the final day of Shawwāl  

  15. of the year five-hundred and thirty-five, may God allow him to attain that in  prosperity, health, security and safety,  

  16. for a rent amounting in this period, in cash, of good alloy and assayed, 

  17. to thirty two dīnārs, at a rate of a quarter in each year thereof, that is eight dīnārs, and per month,  

  18. two thirds of a dīnār of good quality, a valid and operative lease, this rent being repayable by this lessee in instalments,  

  19. which he undertakes to pay to this lessor monthly, an instalment at the end of every month, without delay, withholding,  

  20. protesting with any argument, pretext, oath or litigation, after completion of this agreement, inspection (of the property),  

  21. handing over and (granting of) a warranty against defect in title. The  acknowledgement by the elder Thiqat al-Mulk Ṣanīʿat [al-Dawla,]  

  22. the lessor, and by the lessee of all that is contained herein was witnessed after it had been read to them, they being in sound health, in the last ten days [of ]  

  23. of the year five-hundred and thirty-one.  

Witness Clauses 

  1. Ibrāhīm ibn Shuwaykh ibn Yaḥyā ibn [ ] testified  

  2. to the acknowledgement by the lessee of what is herein, on its date.  

  3. ʿAbdallāh ibn Thābit ibn Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad testified 

  4. to the acknowledgement by the lessee of what is herein, on its date. 

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