ثيقة شرعيّة: T-S 13J2.22

ثيقة شرعيّة T-S 13J2.22

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  • 1 Transcription
  • 1 Translation


Settlement of a marital dispute. Made after problems between [...] bt. Shabbetay and her husband Ṣedaqa. Written and signed by Ḥalfon b. Menashshe, and also signed by Natan b. Shelomo ha-Kohen. Dated: Av 1446 of the Seleucid Era (= 1135 CE). (Information from CUDL; see also Goitein's attached notes.)


النصوص المفرّغة

T-S 13J2.22 1r

Gershon Weiss, "Legal Documents Written by the Court Clerk Halfon Ben Manasse (Dated 1100-1138)" (PhD diss., n.p., 1970).


  1. 18 ואחד מנהם ואנה לא ימד ידה אליהא בצרב ולא יהרב ולא יגיב
  2. 19 גיבה הרב וכתבנא וחתמנא דליהוי לזכו ולראיה שריר וקיים
  3. 20 נתן הכהן בר שלמה הכהן נע חלפון הלוי ביר מנשה נע
  4. ח ש ת ו
  5. א א מ
David Marmer, "Patrilocal Residence and Jewish Court Documents in Medieval Cairo," Judaism and Islam: boundaries, communication, and interaction: Essays in Honor of William M. Brinner (n.p., 2000), 67 - 82.


  1. When there appeared before us, we the undersigned, [   son of   ], (may he) r(est in) E(den), and [his] wif[e] wh[o      ]

  2. Is now married to [him   ], Bat Shabbetay, (may his) e(nd be) good, [  ]

  3. That he would act with [    ] and not harm h[er

  4. And he would go with [               ] Israel [      ] with the daughte[rs 

  5.  he assaulted [     ] exalted [     ] from him in the court, the court had a meeting (with him)

  6. about that, as is required of it; and (as for) him, he imposed upon her an obligation as well, that she should not come or

  7. go (from their house) except upon his command, and that she should improve her relations with him in accordance with what is required

  8. of others like her among the daughters of Israel with their husbands. And we performed a qinyan with him and with her,

  9. after each of them confirmed to the other the validity of the information and that which was attributed

  10. to him regarding that, a complete and stringent qinyan, with an implement suitable for doing [so, (making it valid) fr]om now on, nullifying

  11. any secret dispositions or c[ondition]s. And we wrote and signed (it) to be for both of them as a title of rights and proof.

  12. (12 - 14) And that took place on Sunday, the sixteenth of Ab, in the year 1446 of the era of documents, in Fusṭāṭ, Egypt, situated on the Nile river, (under the) authority of our master Masliah ha-Kohen, head of the religious academy Gaon Jacob, may

  15. his position be for eternity, (and this document is) strong and valid. And he obligated upon himself, this M(r.) Ṣedaqa, as

  16. a part of his qinyan, that neither his mother nor his sister nor anyone of his family (shall have the right)

  17. (17 - 18) to intrude upon his wife, and none of them can harass her or harm her, and that he will not raise a hand to hit her, nor desert (her), nor hide

  19. in concealment (as if) deserting (her). And we wrote and signed (it) to be a title and proof, (a document) strong and valid.

  20. Nathan ha-Kohen son of Solomon ha-Kohen, (may he) rest in) E(den), Ḥalfon ha-Levi son of Menasse, (may he) r(est in) E(den).


T-S 13J2.22 1v

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