رسالة: T-S 10J31.14
رسالة T-S 10J31.14What's in the PGP
- صورة
Letter from a man to his father-in-law. Fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. He offers an update on mercantile transactions, mainly in garments, each transaction on the order of tens of dinars. Evidently he is complaining about not receiving as much money/goods as he was anticipating. Mentions Salmān, Ḥassūn b. Farrāj (who is dead), Ḥassūn, Ibn Faḍl, and Ibn Mardūk. The addressee had previously cursed the sender (תסובני ותקול הדא קביח), who insists that he has done everything his wife (whom he calls "your daughter" or "the girl") demanded, though she and her paternal aunt are crying day and night. The addressee should send her money/goods. The fragment ends with an update on Ibn Maḥbūb; it seems that the sender wants to send letters to various destinations (kutub ilā l-buldān) with him. (Information in part from Goitein’s index card and CUDL.)
T-S 10J31.14 1r

T-S 10J31.14 1v