رسالة: T-S 20.139

رسالة T-S 20.139


Letter in Hebrew. Dating: Late—Mamluk or early Ottoman era. From [...] b. Moshe to Yeshuʿa b. Nathan and his father, concerning a number of events including monies owed (in ducats/peraḥim) to various parties as well as reporting the deaths of a large number of Jews. The postscript on verso deals with events that have occurred since the recto was written. Mentions several individuals: Sulaymān b. Zikrī, Abū Makhlūf, Moses Tūnisī (תונסי), Yosef Ḥotani (חותני), Avraham, Yiṣḥaq the doctor, the wife of Yosef the Proselyte, and the cities of Gaza and Hebron. (Information from CUDL and Goitein's index card.)

T-S 20.139 1v


النصوص المفرّغة


T-S 20.139 1r

بيان أذونات الصورة
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