منحة في ثيقة شرعيّة: T-S 12.525 + T-S 8J22.16
ثيقة شرعيّة T-S 12.525 + T-S 8J22.16- الاقتباس المرجعي
- Phillip Ackerman-Lieberman, "A Partnership Culture: Jewish Economic and Social Life Seen Through the Legal Documents of the Cairo Geniza" (PhD diss., Princeton University, 2007).
- Location in source
- Doc. 66
- Relation to document
- Digital Edition
- Digital Translation
- الاقتباس المرجعي
- S. D. Goitein, index cards.
- Location in source
- Relation to document
- المناقشة
- الاقتباس المرجعي
- S. D. Goitein, index cards.
- Location in source
- Relation to document
- المناقشة
النصوص المفرّغة
Editor: Ackerman-Lieberman, Phillip
Translator: Ackerman-Lieberman, Phillip (in English)
T-S 12.525 1r
Phillip Ackerman-Lieberman, "A Partnership Culture: Jewish Economic and Social Life Seen Through the Legal Documents of the Cairo Geniza" (PhD diss., Princeton University, 2007).
Phillip Ackerman-Lieberman, "A Partnership Culture: Jewish Economic and Social Life Seen Through the Legal Documents of the Cairo Geniza" (PhD diss., Princeton University, 2007).
- …
- […] his [p]artner
- […] any court anywhere
- [… r]ather the most perfect and certain
- […of what] the Sages m(ay their memory be) f(or a blessing) [outlined …] we also have nullified all secret dispositions
- and conditions which may be made for us and which we may have made concerning this partnership (shutafut) document, as a decree
- of the Sages. We performed a qinyan with this M(r.) Obadiah regarding the payment of the nine dinars
- and the partnership (shirka) as well, and with this M(r.) Manasseh ha-Kohen in accordance with (their) will and the appraisal
- and the partnership (shirka) as well, with an item suitable for doing so, concerning everything written
- and stipulated above. We wrote and signed two copies of this testimony
- and gave one (copy) to each of them in order that he would have a title of right and proof.
- That took place on the aforementioned date in Fusṭāṭ Egypt, situated on the Nile River.
- Proper and enduring. Written on an erasure: “Obadiah”. This is their confirmation:
- Ḥalfōn ha-Levi b. Manasseh (who) r(ests in) E(den) Manasseh ha-Kohen b. Jacob (may his) e(nd be) g(ood)
T-S 8J22.16 1r
T-S 8J22.16 Recto
- [.............................................]הין
- [.........................................צ]אחבה
- [...................................]בתי דינין לעלם
- [..................................א[לא כאוכד ואתקן
- [מא סטר]וה רבותינו זל[...........] בטילנא נמי כל מודעי
- ותנאי דמסירין לנא ודמסרנא על שטר שותפות דנן כתיקון
- חכמים וקנינא מן מ עובדיה דנן בתסלם אלתסעה דנאניר
- ואלשרכה איצא ומן מ משנה הכהן דנן באלרצא באלתקוים
- ואלשרכה אי[צא] במנא דכשר למקניא ביה בכל מה דכתיב
- ומפרש לעילא ושהדותא דא כתבנא וחתמנא תרי [נוס]חי
- ויהבנא לכל חד וחד מנהון דליהוי בידיה לזכו ולראיה וכאן
- דלך פי אלתאריך אלמדכור לעילא בפסטאט מצרים דעל נילוס
- נהרא מותבה שריר וקיים כתיב על גיהטא עובדיה ודין קיומה
- חלפון הלוי ביר מנשה נע מנשה הכהן בר יעקב סט