قائمة/جدول: ENA 3843.5
قائمة/جدول ENA 3843.5العلامات
Verso: Accounts with the header "What was sold before the death of Abū Isḥāq b. Abū Sahl known as Ibn al-Ahuv, in the presence of al-Mawla al-Raṣuy and Abu ʿAlī his brother-in-law." This Abū Isḥāq was the brother of Yedutun and Moshe, the sons of (Abū Sahl) Levi ha-Levi. Dating: early 13th century. There follows a short list of goods, and "that was in Cairo in the presence of the Judge [...]." Another list of goods is headed with "And in Fustat, in the presence of al-Mawla al-Raṣuy and [...]." The children of Abū ʿAlī b. Dāʾūd are mentioned, as is Hiba b. Dāʾūd. Abū l-ʿAlāʾ al-Ṣabbāgh bought a chest. Recto: "What Abū ʿAlī expended for the deceased in his lifetime and after his death" including payments to various officials and for food and pullets (presumably for his final sickness). ASE.