رسالة: Bodl. MS heb. c 28/38

رسالة Bodl. MS heb. c 28/38



Letter from Shemuel b. Moshe to Abū l-Ḥajjāj Yūsuf (Yehosef), in Malīj. The addressee is the tax farmer of the local market and the judge of the Jews (الظامن للسوق داين اليهود) and is also addressed as the head of the congregation (rosh ha-qahal). The letter is mainly in Judaeo-Arabic, preceded by a Hebrew poem consisting of three verses, and with the address in Arabic script. The sender asks whether the addressee and the community still cling to their resolution or have changed their mind – which was nothing to be ashamed of. Includes many greetings, for: Avraham ha-Talmid; Yosef and his two sons; Abū l-ʿIzz al-Kohen and his brother Abū l-Karam; Yosef and his brother al-Shaykh al-Mukhliṣ; Abū ʿImrān and his son and his brother-in-law; Abū l-Majd; Yaʿqūb and his two brothers including Abū l-Majd. (Information in part from Goitein notes and index card linked below and Med Soc II, p. 75.)

Bodl. MS heb. c 28/38 38 recto

38 recto

النصوص المفرّغة


Bodl. MS heb. c 28/38 38 verso

38 verso
بيان أذونات الصورة