ثيقة شرعيّة: Bodl. MS heb. b 12/2
ثيقة شرعيّة Bodl. MS heb. b 12/2What's in the PGP
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Court record. A settlement between a brother and his two sisters concerning their late father’s inheritance, dated 1128/9. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. The late father’s property consisted of a perfumery, a storehouse, goods, capital and profit. The brother, Hillel, and the father were running the business as partners. According to the settlement, the older sister received a certain sum of money plus a monthly payment of 1 dinar. Her minor sister granted her share to her brother Hillel, as a gift, except for a certain amount of money, which was legally recorded in a bill of indebtness granted to her by Hillel, who continued to manage the business. The widow, Sitt al-Bayt, confirmed her daughter’s actions and guaranteed to be responsible to Hillel for any claims against him which the younger daughter might once make as heir of her father. No signatures are preserved. Verso is blank. (Information form Weiss, Legal Documents Written by Ḥalfon ben Manasse, Vol. 1, pp. 79-80 and Goitein index card and notes linked below.)
Editor: Weiss, Gershon
Bodl. MS heb. b 12/2 2 recto

- 20 ( ) מן כל עלקה תתגה להא עליה בסבב כל חק להא עלי
- ואלדה נע ומן גמיע אלדעאוי
- 21 ( )דינה מן סאיר אצנאף אלמעאמלאת עלי אכתלאף אג( )
- 22 ( ) דלך תקילהא וכפיפהא ואפילו על ידי גלפול ( )
- אד קד וקע אלאנפצאל אלאן מן דלך ומן סואה
- 23 ( )תיקון חכמים וכאן וקוע אלקנין ( )
- 24 ( ) גמיע מפסדאת אלשהאדה
- 25 ( ) באל( )
- 26 ( )לך ( )
- 27 ( ) כאין
Bodl. MS heb. b 12/2 2 verso