قائمة/جدول: T-S AS 185.217
قائمة/جدول T-S AS 185.217العلامات
Large bifolio of accounts, perhaps from the same scribe as T-S AS 185.158 (PGPID 39885). Dating is likely 16th-17th-century based on the paleography and, crucially, the recto mentions Murādīyya coinage. The latter contextual information helps to estimate the dating as post-1574 CE beceuse the Ottoman Sultan Murad III reigned 1574-1595 CE (the paleography is too late for it to be Murad II). A variety of names and, perhaps, their corresponding calligraphic signatures appear: Shemuʾel Simḥōn, Moshe Talmid, Yosef Alguares– but none of these names are direct matches with signatures. The most legible signature is Yiṣḥaq Alguares in the lower right corner, verso. Requires further examination. MCD.