ثيقة شرعيّة: T-S 12.25
ثيقة شرعيّة T-S 12.25What's in the PGP
- صورة
Recto: draft of a lengthy panegyric for Yehuda b. Menashshe he-Ḥasid, with his name in acrostic. The poet continues writing what may be a draft of a letter on verso, after which he starts to rework the first few lines of his poem a second time. Verso also contains a legal deed written by Efrayim b. Shemarya (who also signs), and signed by Yaʿīsh b. Avraham ha-Levi, Yeshuʿa b. Avraham ha-Kohen, Naḥum b. Yeshuʿa ha-Kohen, Avraham b. Mevasser, and the cantor Yefet b. David the cantor. (Information from CUDL.)
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